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Spotting the Signs: 10 Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

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Cancer remains one of the most significant health challenges worldwide, affecting millions of lives each year. 

According to recent estimates from the World Health Organization, approximately 19.3 million new cancer cases are diagnosed annually. 

This staggering number highlights the widespread impact of the disease. 

However, not everyone who develops cancer is aware of their condition, as many early-stage cancers can be asymptomatic. 

It’s estimated that a significant proportion of people diagnosed with cancer only seek medical attention once symptoms become noticeable.

The emotional toll of a cancer diagnosis, coupled with the physical impact of the disease and its treatments, can affect not only the patients but also their families and caregivers. 

Early detection and awareness of cancer symptoms are crucial in improving outcomes and providing timely treatment, which can enhance the chances of recovery and reduce the overall burden of the disease on patients.

Therefore, it’s important to stay vigilant and observe any changes in your body. 

If you notice something new or unusual that persists for several weeks, make sure to consult your healthcare provider. 

While not every symptom is indicative of cancer, here are 10 signs that should prompt you to reach out to your doctor:

10 Common Symptoms of Cancer

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Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss is often an early warning sign of several types of cancer, including pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, and lung cancer. 

When the body begins to lose weight without a clear reason, it could be due to cancer cells consuming a significant amount of the body’s energy or causing changes in the way the body processes food and nutrients. 

Additionally, some cancers can alter metabolism, leading to weight loss even when diet and exercise levels remain unchanged. 

This unexpected and unexplained loss of weight can occur gradually or rapidly, and it is essential to monitor and report such changes to your doctor.


Persistent fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest can be a significant warning sign of several types of cancer, including leukemia, colon, or stomach cancer. 

This type of fatigue is different from the usual tiredness experienced after a busy day; it is often described as feeling extremely weak, exhausted, and lacking energy despite adequate sleep and rest. 

In leukemia, the body’s production of blood cells is disrupted, leading to anemia and reduced oxygen transport, which can cause profound fatigue. 

Colon and stomach cancers can also cause fatigue by leading to internal bleeding, resulting in anemia, or by disrupting the body’s ability to absorb nutrients effectively. 

This persistent fatigue can interfere with daily activities and quality of life. 


Persistent pain, particularly in specific areas like the back, pelvis, or abdomen, can be a warning sign of cancer, especially when conventional treatments fail to alleviate it. 

This type of pain may vary in intensity and may be constant or intermittent, but its persistence and resistance to usual pain management methods are key indicators. 

Cancer-related pain can result from various factors, including the tumor pressing on nerves, organs, or bones; inflammation caused by the tumor; or the body’s immune response to the cancer. 

Additionally, some cancers, such as pancreatic or ovarian cancer, may not cause noticeable symptoms until they reach an advanced stage, making the presence of persistent pain even more concerning. 

Changes in Skin

Changes in the size, shape, or color of moles or skin lesions can be warning signs of skin cancer. 

These changes may include the development of new moles, changes in existing moles, or the appearance of sores that do not heal. 

Skin cancers, such as melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, often manifest as changes in the skin’s appearance due to the abnormal growth of skin cells

It is essential to regularly monitor moles and other skin lesions for any changes and to seek medical attention if any suspicious changes are detected. 

Changes in Bowel or Bladder Habits

Persistent changes in bowel or bladder habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or changes in bladder function, can indicate underlying colorectal or bladder cancer. 

These changes may include increased frequency of bowel movements, narrow stools, blood in the stool, or changes in urine frequency or color. 

Colorectal cancer can affect bowel habits by causing obstruction or irritation in the colon, leading to changes in stool consistency and frequency. 

Bladder cancer can similarly impact bladder function, causing changes in urinary habits such as increased urgency, blood in the urine, or pain during urination. 

Difficulty Swallowing

Persistent difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia, can be a symptom of esophageal or throat cancer. 

This symptom may manifest as a sensation of food getting stuck in the throat or chest, pain or discomfort while swallowing, or the feeling of pressure or blockage in the throat. 

Esophageal cancer can narrow the esophagus, making it difficult for food and liquids to pass through. Throat cancer can affect the throat muscles and structures, causing swallowing difficulties. 

Persistent Cough

A persistent cough lasting more than a few weeks, especially when accompanied by blood-tinged sputum, can be a warning sign of lung cancer. 

This type of cough may be dry or produce phlegm and can be persistent and worsen over time. 

Lung cancer can irritate or obstruct the airways, leading to chronic coughing. Additionally, lung tumors can cause bleeding, which may result in coughing up blood. 

While a cough is a common symptom of various respiratory conditions, including infections and allergies, a persistent and unexplained cough should not be ignored, as it can indicate a more serious underlying issue such as lung cancer.

Changes in a Wart or Mole 

Any change in the size, color, shape, or texture of a wart, mole, or mouth sore should be closely monitored, as it could be a sign of skin or oral cancer. 

Skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, often presents as changes in the skin’s appearance, such as the development of new moles or changes in existing ones. 

These changes may include an increase in size, a change in color or shape, or the development of irregular borders. 

Similarly, oral cancer can manifest as changes in the mouth’s soft tissues, such as the appearance of new sores or changes in the texture or color of existing ones. 

While not all changes in warts, moles, or mouth sores are cancerous, any unusual changes should be evaluated by a doctor to rule out the possibility of cancer. 

Indigestion or Trouble Eating

Persistent indigestion or difficulty eating can be symptoms of stomach, esophageal, or throat cancer. 

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, can manifest as discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, bloating, or a feeling of fullness during or after meals. 

These symptoms can be caused by tumors obstructing the digestive tract or by cancer affecting the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Difficulty eating, known as dysphagia, can occur due to the narrowing of the esophagus or throat, making it challenging to swallow solid foods or liquids.

Persistent Fever

Persistent fever or frequent infections can be signs of leukemia, a type of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow. 

Leukemia can cause the bone marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, which can impair the immune system’s ability to fight off infections. 

As a result, people with leukemia may experience recurrent infections or have difficulty recovering from infections. 

Additionally, leukemia cells can release substances that cause fever, which may be persistent and unexplained. 

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above persistently, it is critical to consult with your doctor for further evaluation and appropriate management. 

Early detection and treatment can significantly improve cancer outcomes.

Moreover, there are effective ways to minimize your cancer risk through a combination of lifestyle choices, preventive measures, and regular medical check-ups. 

Recent research also showed that supplementing with NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) can help lower your risk of developing cancer. 

So how NAD can help?

How Boosting NAD Can Reduce Cancer Risk

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Boosting NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) levels can play a significant role in combating cancer through various mechanisms. Here’s how increasing NAD levels can help:

Enhanced DNA Repair

NAD is crucial for the proper functioning of several enzymes responsible for repairing DNA damage, particularly PARP (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase). 

PARP enzymes detect and signal the presence of DNA damage, initiating repair processes to fix single-strand breaks in the DNA.

When DNA damage occurs, PARP enzymes use NAD to add ADP-ribose units to themselves and other proteins involved in the repair process. 

This modification, known as poly ADP-ribosylation, recruits and activates additional DNA repair proteins at the site of damage. 

Essentially, NAD acts as a fuel for PARP enzymes, enabling them to perform their repair functions effectively.

Higher NAD levels ensure that PARP enzymes have an ample supply of NAD, allowing them to work more efficiently. This increased efficiency accelerates the DNA repair process, reducing the time that cells spend with damaged DNA.

Efficient DNA repair also prevents the accumulation of mutations that can occur when DNA damage is not promptly and accurately fixed. Mutations in critical genes can lead to uncontrolled cell growth and cancer development.

By supporting the efficient repair of DNA damage, higher NAD levels help maintain genomic stability. 

Stable genomes are less likely to undergo the types of mutations that can activate oncogenes (genes that drive cancer) or deactivate tumor suppressor genes (genes that protect against cancer).

The prevention of mutation accumulation directly reduces the risk of carcinogenesis (the process by which normal cells transform into cancer cells). 

This is especially important in tissues with high turnover rates or those exposed to environmental mutagens (substances that cause mutations).

Increased Sirtuin Activity

Sirtuins are a family of NAD-dependent enzymes that play a pivotal role in maintaining cellular health and longevity. 

They are involved in various critical processes, including aging, inflammation, and stress resistance. 

There are seven known sirtuins (SIRT1-7), each located in different parts of the cell and having specific functions:

  • SIRT1, SIRT6, and SIRT7 are primarily found in the nucleus.
  • SIRT2 is mainly cytoplasmic.
  • SIRT3, SIRT4, and SIRT5 are located in the mitochondria.

Sirtuins rely on NAD as a cofactor to deacetylate and regulate the activity of various proteins involved in cellular processes. 

When NAD levels are high, sirtuin activity increases, leading to the activation of pathways that promote cellular repair, stress resistance, and metabolic efficiency.

Sirtuins also help mitigate oxidative stress by enhancing the expression of antioxidant genes and improving mitochondrial function. 

SIRT3, in particular, plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial integrity and reducing the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cellular components and lead to cancer.

Sirtuins, especially SIRT1, regulate inflammation by deacetylating transcription factors such as NF-κB, which are involved in inflammatory responses. By reducing the activity of these transcription factors, sirtuins help lower chronic inflammation, a known contributor to cancer progression.

SIRT6, on the other hand, is directly involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks. 

It deacetylates histones and other proteins at sites of DNA damage, facilitating the recruitment of repair machinery. This function is crucial in preventing the accumulation of genetic mutations that can lead to cancer.

By increasing NAD levels, the activity of sirtuins is boosted, enhancing the cell’s antioxidant defenses and reducing oxidative stress. This decrease in oxidative stress helps protect DNA from damage and reduces the risk of mutations that could lead to cancer.

Elevated NAD levels also promote sirtuin activity, which helps suppress chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation creates a microenvironment conducive to cancer development and progression. By controlling inflammation, sirtuins help maintain a healthier cellular environment.

Lastly, sirtuins are known to promote cellular longevity by improving metabolic efficiency and enhancing stress resistance. This contributes to overall cellular health and reduces the likelihood of cancerous transformations.

Improved Cellular Energy Production

NAD is a critical coenzyme in cellular energy production, playing an essential role in both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation—the two main pathways through which cells generate ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell.

Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that breaks down glucose into pyruvate, producing a small amount of ATP and NADH (the reduced form of NAD) in the cytoplasm.

During glycolysis, NAD+ accepts electrons and becomes NADH. This electron transfer is crucial for the continuation of glycolysis, allowing cells to produce ATP anaerobically (without oxygen).

Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondria, where NADH produced from glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and other metabolic pathways donate electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC). 

This process generates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, driving the production of a large amount of ATP through ATP synthase.

NAD+ acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons from metabolic substrates to the ETC. This transfer is vital for maintaining the flow of electrons, ultimately leading to efficient ATP production.

By ensuring robust NAD levels, cells can efficiently perform both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. This balance prevents the metabolic reprogramming seen in cancer cells.

Healthy cells maintain normal metabolic pathways, reducing the risk of metabolic alterations that favor cancer development.

Moreover, NAD is crucial for the proper functioning of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. It facilitates the mitochondrial respiration process, essential for ATP production.

Efficient mitochondrial function ensures cells have sufficient energy for repair and regulatory processes, helping to prevent the onset of cancer.

Lastly, adequate energy supply from efficient ATP production supports various cellular repair mechanisms, including DNA repair, protein maintenance, and cell cycle regulation.

Enhanced repair mechanisms reduce the likelihood of mutations and genomic instability, key factors in cancer development.

Promotion of Apoptosis

NAD plays a significant role in cellular pathways that regulate apoptosis, also known as programmed cell death. 

Apoptosis is a tightly controlled process that eliminates damaged, dysfunctional, or abnormal cells to maintain tissue health and prevent the development of diseases, including cancer.

The intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway is activated by internal signals, such as DNA damage or oxidative stress. This pathway involves the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria, which activates caspases (proteases that execute apoptosis).

The extrinsic pathway is triggered by external signals, such as the binding of death ligands to cell surface receptors, leading to the activation of caspases.

Sirtuins, particularly SIRT1, are NAD-dependent enzymes that regulate apoptosis by deacetylating key proteins involved in the process. 

SIRT1, for example, can deacetylate and activate p53, a tumor suppressor protein that promotes apoptosis in response to DNA damage.

PARP (Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase) enzymes also play a role in apoptosis. 

When cells experience severe DNA damage, excessive activation of PARP can deplete cellular NAD levels, leading to a type of cell death known as parthanatos.

Higher NAD levels enhance the activity of sirtuins, which can promote the activation of pro-apoptotic proteins like p53. This leads to the initiation of apoptosis in damaged or abnormal cells.

By ensuring that cells with significant DNA damage or dysfunction undergo apoptosis, increased NAD levels help to prevent the survival and proliferation of potential cancer cells.

Similarly, NAD supports the energy metabolism required for the proper functioning of apoptosis pathways. Adequate ATP levels are necessary for the execution of apoptosis, including the activation of caspases and the formation of apoptotic bodies.

Efficient energy production facilitated by NAD ensures that apoptosis can proceed effectively, removing cells that could become cancerous.

Enhanced Immune Function

NAD is a vital coenzyme in cellular metabolism and plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of immune cells. 

The immune system relies on NAD to maintain the energy balance and perform various functions, including detecting and eliminating cancer cells.

Immune cells, such as T cells, B cells, macrophages, and natural killer (NK) cells, require substantial amounts of energy to function effectively. 

NAD is essential in cellular energy production through glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, providing the ATP needed for immune responses.

Sirtuins and PARP enzymes, which depend on NAD, regulate immune cell activities. 

Sirtuins modulate inflammation and stress responses, while PARP enzymes play a role in DNA repair and cell survival. These functions are critical for maintaining immune cell health and efficacy.

Higher NAD levels support the energy demands of immune cells, enhancing their proliferation and activation. Activated T cells, for instance, proliferate rapidly and differentiate into effector cells that target and destroy cancer cells.

Enhanced immune cell function increases the body’s ability to detect and eliminate cancer cells, reducing the likelihood of tumor formation and progression.

Natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) rely on NAD for the production of cytotoxic granules, which contain perforin and granzymes. These molecules induce apoptosis in cancer cells upon contact.

With adequate NAD levels, NK cells and CTLs can efficiently kill cancer cells, preventing their growth and spread.

Sirtuins, particularly SIRT1, regulate inflammatory responses by deacetylating transcription factors like NF-κB. By reducing chronic inflammation, which can create a tumor-promoting environment, NAD helps maintain a balanced immune response.

Controlled inflammation also prevents the establishment of a microenvironment conducive to cancer development and supports immune surveillance against tumor cells.

Dendritic cells and macrophages are responsible for presenting antigens (including tumor antigens) to T cells, initiating an adaptive immune response. NAD supports the energy-intensive process of antigen processing and presentation.

Efficient antigen presentation ensures that T cells are effectively primed to recognize and attack cancer cells, improving immune system vigilance.

Reduction of Tumor Growth and Metastasis

NAD’s influence on various signaling pathways makes it a key player in the regulation of cell growth and survival. In the context of cancer, manipulating NAD levels can significantly impact tumor progression and metastasis.

NAD is essential for the activity of enzymes and proteins that regulate cell growth and proliferation. These include sirtuins and PARP enzymes, which are involved in maintaining genomic stability and cellular metabolism.

NAD also influences pathways that control cell survival, such as those involving p53, a tumor suppressor protein that can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to DNA damage.

Cancer cells often rely on altered metabolic pathways, such as increased glycolysis (Warburg effect), to support their rapid growth and proliferation. NAD is a critical cofactor in these metabolic pathways.

Higher NAD levels can disrupt the metabolic balance in cancer cells, making it difficult for them to sustain their energy needs and growth rates. This metabolic disruption can slow down tumor growth and make cancer cells more susceptible to treatments.

Many cancer cells also activate survival signaling pathways to avoid apoptosis (programmed cell death). NAD-dependent enzymes like sirtuins can modulate these pathways.

Elevated NAD levels enhance the activity of sirtuins, which can inhibit cancer cell survival pathways and promote apoptosis. This makes it harder for cancer cells to survive, reducing tumor growth and progression.

Tumors require the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) to supply nutrients and oxygen for their growth. NAD influences signaling molecules like hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) that regulate angiogenesis.

By modulating these pathways, higher NAD levels can inhibit angiogenesis, depriving tumors of their blood supply and slowing their growth.

Metastasis, the spread of cancer cells to distant organs, involves complex processes like cell migration, invasion, and adhesion. NAD levels influence the activity of proteins and enzymes that regulate these processes.

Increased NAD levels can disrupt the signaling pathways that facilitate metastasis. 

For example, NAD can affect the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are involved in the breakdown of extracellular matrix, a crucial step in metastasis. 

By inhibiting MMP activity, NAD helps prevent cancer cells from invading surrounding tissues and spreading to other parts of the body.

This only shows that maintaining adequate NAD levels is important for overall cellular health and may provide a valuable strategy for cancer prevention and treatment.

Two Steps to Boost Your NAD Levels

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Step 1: Use the Intracellular NAD test to Know Your NAD Levels

Order the Intracellular NAD test today and use it as soon as it arrives. 

This test can help determine if you have an NAD deficiency, which may trigger cancer development. 

It also assesses the effectiveness of your NAD supplement and helps you find the optimal dosage for your needs.

Additionally, the test provides actionable data to help you adjust the dosage of Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster, optimizing your NAD levels and helping you minimize your risk of getting cancer.

You can get the Intracellular NAD® Test here!

Step 2: Take Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster

This clinically validated formulation includes NAD precursor, Creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and Nicotinamide, which synergistically work to:

  • Revitalize your cells
  • Optimize your mitochondria
  • Increase sirtuin activity
  • Improve cellular energy production
  • Promote apoptosis
  • Boost immune function and more.

You can get Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster here.

To save even more, you can take advantage of the NAD Optimization® Bundles, where you can get…

  • 2 Intracellular NAD® tests
  • 1 Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster supplement
  • one free supplement and…
  • a free consultation.

Start by using the first Intracellular NAD® test to reveal your current NAD levels. Then, take Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster for a month.

Afterward, use the second Intracellular NAD® test to identify your new, optimized levels after taking our NAD supplements. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your levels have improved.

If you’re unsure about what to do or have questions about how to start or interpret your results, you can book your free consultation.

Grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here — SAVE $178 today.

If you want to lower your risk of getting diagnosed with cancer…

Order Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster and Intracellular NAD® Test, or grab the NAD Optimization® Bundles here to save even more.

Our Money-Back Guarantee

If our Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster fails to increase your NAD levels, just send us a message within 60 days and we will gladly refund your supplement purchase. 

Please note that tests are non-refundable.

Extending your health one scoop at a time,

Professor Jin Xiong She

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