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Exploring the Contributions of David Sinclair to Longevity Science

“Birthday candles don’t tell you how well you’ve been living and they certainly don’t tell you how many years you’ve got left.” Dr. David Sinclair

David Sinclair is a prominent figure in the field of longevity science, renowned for his groundbreaking research and innovative theories on aging and lifespan. This article aims to delve into the various aspects of Sinclair’s contributions to the field, from his early life and education to his influential work on sirtuins, resveratrol, and epigenetics. Furthermore, it will explore the controversies surrounding his research and the enduring impact he has made on longevity science and beyond.

David Sinclair guiding his research team

Understanding David Sinclair: A Brief Biography

Before diving into Sinclair’s scientific journey, gaining insight into his early life and education is imperative, which laid the foundation for his illustrious career. Born and raised in New South Wales (Australia), Sinclair exhibited a remarkable curiosity and passion for biology from a young age. This led him to pursue higher education, obtaining a Ph.D. in genetics from the University of New South Wales. It was during this time that Sinclair’s fascination with the intricacies of aging sparked, setting the stage for his future endeavors.

After completing his studies, Sinclair completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States. He embarked on a career path that would shape the course of longevity science. He joined the prestigious teaching staff at Harvard Medical School, where he honed his research skills and cultivated an unwavering dedication to uncovering the mysteries of aging.

Early Life and Education

David Sinclair’s intellectual curiosity and drive for scientific discovery can be traced back to his early years. Growing up, Sinclair’s inquisitive nature was evident from his childhood, as he constantly sought answers to questions about the natural world. This burning curiosity propelled him towards a path of scientific exploration.

During his formative years, Sinclair’s parents encouraged his curiosity and provided him with ample resources to nurture his scientific interests. They often took him on nature walks, where he would observe and document various plant and animal species. These experiences not only deepened his love for biology but also instilled in him a sense of wonder and appreciation for the complexity of life.

After completing high school, Sinclair went to college close to home. During this time, he was exposed to the foundational concepts of biology, which eventually sparked his interest in aging and longevity. This newfound passion catalyzed his future research endeavors, shaping the trajectory of his career.

While studying at the University of New South Wales, Sinclair actively participated in research projects and internships, further expanding his knowledge and honing his scientific skills. He collaborated with esteemed professors and fellow students, delving into various areas of biology and gaining hands-on experience in conducting experiments and analyzing data.

Career Path and Achievements

After completing his studies, David Sinclair began his professional journey in the field of longevity science. He joined a research team at MIT, where he gained valuable experience and expanded his knowledge base. Sinclair’s exceptional dedication and perseverance soon earned him recognition, leading to significant breakthroughs and accolades throughout his career. His resume includes a position as a tenured professor at Harvard Medical School

During his early career, Sinclair focused on understanding the role of sirtuins in aging, a class of proteins that regulate various cellular processes. His groundbreaking research shed light on the aging process’s intricate mechanisms and opened up new avenues for potential interventions.

Over the years, Sinclair’s work on aging and longevity garnered widespread attention and acclaim. His research focused on various areas, such as the impact of resveratrol on lifespan and the potential of calorie restriction in extending a healthy lifespan. These groundbreaking discoveries brought Sinclair to the forefront of longevity science, solidifying his status as a leading figure in the field.

Throughout his career, Sinclair has published numerous scientific papers and delivered captivating lectures at conferences and universities worldwide. His work has advanced the understanding of aging and inspired a new generation of scientists to delve into the fascinating realm of longevity science.

As a testament to his contributions, Sinclair has received numerous awards and honors, including the CSL Prize and the Nathon Shock Award for gerontological research. His dedication to unraveling the secrets of aging continues to drive him forward as he tirelessly works towards developing interventions that could potentially enhance human health and lifespan.

Sinclair emphasizes a diet rich in fresh foods

Sinclair’s Groundbreaking Research in Longevity Science

David Sinclair’s contributions to longevity science are characterized by his pioneering research in key areas of interest. This section will explore two of his most influential research endeavors – sirtuins’ role in aging and resveratrol’s impact on lifespan.

The Role of Sirtuins in Aging

Sirtuins, a class of proteins found in living organisms, have emerged as a central focus of Sinclair’s research. His work has elucidated the crucial role that sirtuins play in the aging process and their potential as targets for interventions to enhance longevity.

Sinclair’s groundbreaking studies have revealed that sirtuins act as “guardians” of the genome, influencing cellular health and survival. These proteins regulate various cellular processes, including DNA repair and gene expression, thus exerting a profound impact on the aging process.

Further research conducted by Sinclair and his team has shown that sirtuins are involved in the regulation of energy metabolism and stress response pathways. Modulating these pathways, sirtuins help to maintain cellular homeostasis and promote healthy aging.

Moreover, Sinclair’s research has demonstrated that sirtuins play a crucial role in the regulation of inflammation and immune function. By modulating the activity of immune cells and inflammatory mediators, sirtuins contribute to the prevention of age-related chronic diseases.

Additionally, Sinclair’s studies have explored the interplay between sirtuins and other longevity-related factors, such as telomeres and mitochondrial function. These investigations have provided valuable insights into the complex mechanisms underlying aging and have paved the way for the development of novel therapeutic strategies.

The Impact of Resveratrol on Lifespan

Another significant aspect of Sinclair’s research pertains to the impact of resveratrol on lifespan. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring compound found in certain plants, gained attention due to its potential health benefits, particularly in promoting longevity.

Sinclair’s studies demonstrated that resveratrol activates sirtuins, thereby mimicking the effects of caloric restriction, a known method of extending lifespan in various organisms. This finding opened up new avenues for potential interventions to delay age-related diseases and enhance human lifespan.

Further investigations conducted by Sinclair and his team have explored the mechanisms through which resveratrol exerts its beneficial effects. They have found that resveratrol activates a variety of cellular pathways involved in stress response, DNA repair, and mitochondrial function, all of which contribute to improved healthspan and lifespan.

In addition, Sinclair’s research has shown that resveratrol has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help to mitigate age-related damage and promote overall well-being. These findings have sparked interest in the potential use of resveratrol as a therapeutic agent for age-related diseases.

Furthermore, Sinclair’s studies have examined the effects of resveratrol on various model organisms, including yeast, worms, flies, and mice. These experiments have provided valuable insights into the conserved nature of the longevity-promoting effects of resveratrol across different species.

Overall, Sinclair’s groundbreaking research on the role of sirtuins in aging and the impact of resveratrol on lifespan has significantly advanced our understanding of the mechanisms underlying aging and opened up new possibilities for interventions to enhance longevity and promote healthy aging.

Sinclair’s Theories on Aging and Longevity

In addition to his pivotal research, David Sinclair has formulated innovative theories that provide valuable insights into the aging process and potential strategies for extending lifespan. This section will explore two prominent theories – the Information Theory of Aging and the Role of Epigenetics in Longevity.

The Information Theory of Aging

Sinclair’s Information Theory of Aging posits that age-related decline and the onset of diseases result from an accumulation of damaged information in our cells. According to this theory, genetic and epigenetic changes compromise cellular information’s accuracy and integrity, leading to functional decline.

This theory has important implications, as it suggests that by repairing or reversing damaged information, it may be possible to delay the aging process and mitigate age-related diseases. Sinclair’s research continues exploring strategies for harnessing this concept to improve health and lifespan.

The Role of Epigenetics in Longevity

Evidence gathered through Sinclair’s research has shed light on the critical role of epigenetics in determining lifespan. Epigenetic modifications, which control gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence, have been implicated in aging processes.

Sinclair’s insights into epigenetic regulation have demonstrated that these modifications play a pivotal role in determining the trajectory of aging and the onset of age-related diseases. Harnessing the power of epigenetic modifications holds promise for interventions to slow down the aging process and extend healthy lifespan.

Criticisms and Controversies Surrounding Sinclair’s Work

Despite the significant contributions that David Sinclair has made to the field of longevity science, his work has not been immune to criticism and controversies. This section will delve into the scientific community’s response to Sinclair’s theories and how he has addressed the controversies surrounding his research.

Scientific Community’s Response to Sinclair’s Theories

Sinclair’s groundbreaking research and bold theories have sparked extensive debates within the scientific community. While many researchers acknowledge the value of his contributions, others have raised questions and expressed skepticism regarding certain aspects of his work.

These criticisms range from methodological concerns to disagreements about the interpretation of data. However, it is essential to emphasize that healthy skepticism is a vital component of scientific progress, prompting researchers to refine their theories and deepen their understanding of complex phenomena.

Addressing the Controversies

David Sinclair has actively engaged with the scientific community and the public to address the controversies surrounding his research. He recognizes the importance of open dialogue and rigorous scientific scrutiny in advancing the understanding of longevity science.

Through publications, conferences, and interviews, Sinclair has diligently responded to criticisms, providing additional evidence and addressing specific concerns raised by his peers. This commitment to transparency and scientific integrity underscores his dedication to furthering the field of longevity science.

Sinclair’s Influence on Longevity Science and Beyond

David Sinclair’s contributions extend beyond the realm of academic research, as his work has had a profound influence on both anti-aging research and public understanding of aging. This section will explore the impact he has made in these areas.

His Impact on Anti-Aging Research

Sinclair’s groundbreaking research and compelling theories have had a transformative effect on anti-aging research. By uncovering key mechanisms underlying the aging process, he has provided researchers with crucial insights and potential avenues for interventions.

His work has inspired numerous studies to develop therapeutic strategies to delay age-related diseases and extend human lifespan. Sinclair’s influence continues to shape the anti-aging research landscape, fostering innovation and driving progress.

Sinclair’s Contributions to Public Understanding of Aging

Beyond academia and scientific circles, David Sinclair has played a vital role in increasing public awareness and understanding of aging. Through his captivating writing and engaging public talks, he has successfully conveyed complex scientific concepts in a relatable manner.

Sinclair’s efforts have empowered individuals to take control of their health and make informed choices that may positively impact their aging process. By bridging the gap between scientific research and the general public, he has fostered a deeper appreciation for the science of aging.


In conclusion, David Sinclair’s contributions to longevity science are far-reaching and profound. From his formative years to his groundbreaking research and visionary theories, Sinclair has established himself as a leading figure in the field. Despite his work’s controversies, Sinclair remains committed to scientific rigor and transparency. His impact on anti-aging research and public understanding of aging is undeniably significant. As the pursuit of longevity science continues to evolve, Sinclair’s contributions will certainly continue to shape the future of our understanding of aging and lifespan. How fast are you aging? Find out by measuring your epigenetic age

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD & Longevity
  2. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  3. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  4. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order)

Understanding NAD+ Precursors in Cellular Health


NAD+ precursors have gained significant attention in the field of cellular health and longevity. To fully understand their role and benefits, it is important to explore the science behind these compounds, their connection with cellular health, the specific benefits for human health, and the potential future applications in health science.

The Science Behind NAD+ Precursors

NAD+ precursors, also known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide precursors, are substances that can be converted into NAD+, a vital coenzyme involved in various cellular processes. NAD+ plays a key role in energy metabolism, DNA repair, gene expression, and cellular signaling.

NAD+ precursors are essential for maintaining optimal levels of NAD+ in cells. With age, NAD+ levels decline, leading to cellular dysfunction and an increased risk of age-related diseases. By supplying the body with NAD+ precursors, you can boost NAD+ production and support overall cellular health.

Defining NAD+ Precursors

NAD+ precursors are a diverse group of compounds that can be converted into NAD+ through various metabolic pathways. Some of the most well-known NAD+ precursors include nicotinamide riboside (NR) and NAD+ precursor. These compounds are found naturally in certain foods, such as milk, and can also be taken as dietary supplements.

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a form of vitamin B3 that has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential health benefits. It is found in trace amounts in milk and other dairy products. NR is converted into NAD+ through a series of enzymatic reactions in the body, ultimately leading to increased NAD+ levels.

NAD+ precursor is another NAD+ precursor that has been extensively studied for its potential anti-aging effects. It is a nucleotide derived from ribose and nicotinamide, and it can be found in small amounts in certain foods. NAD+ precursor supplementation has been shown to increase NAD+ levels and improve various markers of aging in animal studies.

The Biological Role of NAD+ Precursors

NAD+ precursors play a critical role in maintaining the balance between cellular energy production and consumption. They act as fuel for the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells, where they participate in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of cellular energy.

Furthermore, NAD+ precursors are involved in DNA repair mechanisms, facilitating the removal of damaged DNA and promoting cell survival. This is particularly important in preventing the accumulation of DNA damage, which can lead to mutations and the development of diseases such as cancer.

In addition to their role in energy metabolism and DNA repair, NAD+ precursors serve as coenzymes in various enzymatic reactions. They are required for the proper functioning of enzymes involved in cellular metabolism, including those responsible for breaking down nutrients and generating energy.

Moreover, recent research has shown that NAD+ precursors play a crucial role in activating sirtuins, a group of proteins that are known to have anti-aging effects. Sirtuins are involved in numerous cellular processes, including DNA repair, gene expression, and stress response. By stimulating sirtuin activity, NAD+ precursors promote cellular longevity and enhance overall healthspan.

Overall, NAD+ precursors are essential for maintaining optimal cellular function and promoting overall health. By supplementing with NAD+ precursors, we can support the production of NAD+ and ensure that our cells have the necessary resources to carry out their vital functions.

The Connection Between NAD+ Precursors and Cellular Health

The levels of NAD+ precursors in your cells directly impact your cellular health and overall well-being. NAD+ precursors influence cellular function in several ways, including their role in energy production and DNA repair mechanisms.

NAD+ precursors are a group of molecules that serve as building blocks for the synthesis of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a crucial coenzyme involved in various cellular processes. These precursors include nicotinamide riboside (NR), NAD+ precursor, and tryptophan, among others.

How NAD+ Precursors Influence Cellular Function

NAD+ precursors support cellular function by replenishing NAD+ levels and boosting mitochondrial activity. Mitochondria are often referred to as the “powerhouses” of the cell, as they are responsible for generating the majority of cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

By increasing NAD+ availability, NAD+ precursors enhance energy production and improve overall cellular metabolism. This can lead to increased endurance, improved cognitive function, and enhanced overall vitality. Additionally, NAD+ precursors play a crucial role in the regulation of cellular redox reactions, which are essential for maintaining cellular homeostasis and preventing oxidative stress.

NAD+ precursors also play a vital role in DNA repair mechanisms, protecting our cells from damage caused by environmental factors, toxins, and natural aging processes. DNA damage can result in mutations that can lead to the development of diseases, such as cancer. By facilitating the repair of damaged DNA, NAD+ precursors help to maintain genomic integrity and reduce the risk of such mutations.

NAD+ Precursors and Cellular Longevity

One of the most fascinating aspects of NAD+ precursors is their potential to promote cellular longevity. Research has shown that NAD+ precursors can activate a group of proteins called sirtuins, which are involved in various cellular defense mechanisms that delay the aging process and protect against age-related diseases.

Sirtuins are known to regulate gene expression, DNA repair, and cellular metabolism. By activating sirtuins, NAD+ precursors can stimulate these cellular defense mechanisms, leading to improved cellular function and increased lifespan. This has led to growing interest in the use of NAD+ precursors as anti-aging interventions.

Furthermore, studies have suggested that NAD+ precursors may have potential benefits in the treatment of age-related conditions, such as neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic disorders. By improving mitochondrial function and cellular metabolism, NAD+ precursors hold promise as therapeutic agents for promoting healthy aging and preventing age-related decline.

In conclusion, NAD+ precursors are crucial in maintaining cellular health and overall well-being. Their influence on energy production, DNA repair mechanisms, and cellular longevity highlights their significance in various aspects of cellular function. Further research into the potential benefits of NAD+ precursors may uncover new therapeutic strategies for promoting healthy aging and preventing age-related diseases.

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The Benefits of NAD+ Precursors for Human Health

NAD+ precursors offer a range of benefits for human health, with particular relevance to aging and disease prevention. By replenishing NAD+ levels and enhancing cellular function, they can help to improve overall well-being and support a healthy aging process.

But what exactly are NAD+ precursors? NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme found in all living cells. It is crucial in various biological processes, including energy production, DNA repair, and gene expression. However, NAD+ levels naturally decline with age, leading to cellular dysfunction and an increased risk of age-related diseases.

Aging is a complex process involving cellular damage accumulation over time. NAD+ precursors have been shown to counteract some of the underlying mechanisms of aging by supporting cellular metabolism, enhancing DNA repair, and promoting the activation of sirtuins. Sirtuins are a family of proteins that regulate cellular processes and have been linked to longevity and healthspan.

By replenishing NAD+ levels, NAD+ precursors can help maintain the balance between cellular damage and repair, thus slowing down the aging process. This can profoundly impact the overall quality of life, allowing individuals to maintain their vitality and independence as they age.

NAD+ Precursors and Disease Prevention

Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that NAD+ can block inflammation. (Marjorie Montemayor-Quellenberg, October 2014).

Besides their potential anti-aging effects, NAD+ precursors also have implications for disease prevention. By boosting cellular health, they enhance the body’s natural defense mechanisms and reduce the risk of age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and metabolic conditions.

Cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes, is a leading cause of death worldwide. NAD+ precursors have been shown to improve cardiovascular health by promoting the function of endothelial cells, which line the blood vessels. This can help to maintain healthy blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, are characterized by the progressive loss of neurons in the brain. NAD+ precursors have shown promise in protecting against neuronal damage and promoting brain health. They can enhance mitochondrial function, increase the production of neuroprotective factors, and reduce oxidative stress, all of which are crucial for maintaining cognitive function and preventing neurodegeneration.

Metabolic conditions, including obesity and type 2 diabetes, are closely linked to cellular dysfunction and impaired energy metabolism. NAD+ precursors can improve metabolic health by enhancing insulin sensitivity, promoting fat-burning, and regulating glucose metabolism. This can help to prevent the development of metabolic disorders and maintain a healthy body weight.

Preliminary research suggests that NAD+ precursors may also have therapeutic potential in the treatment of certain diseases, such as cancer. NAD+ plays a vital role in DNA repair and cell survival, and its depletion can contribute to the development and progression of cancer. By replenishing NAD+ levels, NAD+ precursors may help to enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatments and improve patient outcomes. However, further studies are needed to understand their effectiveness and safety in these contexts fully.

In conclusion, NAD+ precursors offer a range of benefits for human health, from slowing down the aging process to reducing the risk of age-related diseases. By replenishing NAD+ levels and enhancing cellular function, they can support overall well-being and contribute to a healthier, more vibrant life.

The Future of NAD+ Precursors in Health Science

NAD+ precursors have emerged as a promising area of research in health science. Current studies are focused on exploring the potential applications of NAD+ precursors in various medical fields.

Current Research on NAD+ Precursors

Ongoing research is investigating the effects of NAD+ precursors on aging, disease prevention, and therapeutic interventions. Scientists are conducting clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of NAD+ precursors in humans and to gain a deeper understanding of their mechanisms of action.

One particular study conducted at a leading research institution found that NAD+ precursors can effectively enhance mitochondrial function, the powerhouses of cells. This discovery has significant implications for the treatment of age-related diseases and conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Another ongoing study is examining the role of NAD+ precursors in cellular repair mechanisms. Preliminary findings suggest that these precursors can activate DNA repair enzymes, promoting the maintenance of genomic stability and reducing the risk of cancer development.

Potential Applications of NAD+ Precursors in Medicine

The potential applications of NAD+ precursors in medicine are vast. From anti-aging interventions to disease prevention and treatment, NAD+ precursors hold promise for improving human health and extending healthy lifespan.

Furthermore, recent research has indicated that NAD+ precursors may play a crucial role in metabolic disorders. A groundbreaking study published in a prestigious scientific journal demonstrated that supplementation with NAD+ precursors can improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. This finding opens up new possibilities for the development of novel therapies for diabetes management.

In addition to metabolic disorders, NAD+ precursors may have implications for neurodegenerative diseases. Animal studies have shown that these precursors can protect neurons from degeneration and enhance cognitive function. These findings offer hope for the development of effective treatments for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Moreover, NAD+ precursors have shown promise in addressing conditions associated with cellular dysfunction. For example, a recent study conducted on human cells found that NAD+ precursors can improve the function of dysfunctional mitochondria, potentially benefiting individuals with mitochondrial disorders.

By targeting the underlying mechanisms of these conditions, NAD+ precursors offer new avenues for therapeutic interventions. The ability to enhance cellular function and repair holds immense potential for improving the quality of life for individuals affected by various health conditions.

Understanding the role and benefits of NAD+ precursors in cellular health is crucial for unlocking their full potential in promoting overall well-being and extending healthy lifespan. The science behind NAD+ precursors demonstrates their importance in maintaining optimal cellular function and how they can counteract the effects of aging and disease.


As research continues to uncover the many facets of NAD+ precursors, their future in health science looks bright. By harnessing the power of NAD+ precursors, we may unlock new possibilities for promoting longevity and improving human health.  Add Jinfiniti® Vitality Boost, a NAD supplement, to your daily routine to boost your energy, improve sleep quality, and fight brain fog. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Understanding the Essentials of Biomarker Analysis: An In-depth Exploration
  2. The 24 Hottest Biohacking Trends in 2024
  3. NAD Optimization: Real People, Real Results
  4. Why Muscle Is Your Biggest Alley in the Anti-Aging Strategy

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order)


3 Things That Age You Quickly

Here at Jinfiniti, we often talk about the things we can do to optimize our health and increase our longevity. But there are also 3 things that can age you quickly unless you actively avoid them.

Let’s dive into the first one. 


The National Council on Aging discovered that even just one night of lost sleep activates genes related to aging in older adults. They also found that regularly sleeping less than six hours per night may be linked to dementia and stroke-related brain changes as early as middle age.

Lack of sleep may contribute to early onset of many chronic conditions, including dementia, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. 

As we age, our body tissues naturally experience some damage and our immune system has a way to remove these damaged cells. Sleep is pivotal to this system because it regulates the immune system and its inflammatory response, helping to remove the damaged cells. So if you’re not getting at least seven hours of sleep per night, your body will show accumulation of inflammation and tissue damage. 

So what’s the solution? Better and longer sleep, of course. But how do we achieve that? 

Here are a few tips: 

  1. Avoid screens for an hour before bedtime. 
  2. Keep your bedroom temperature cool (65°F (18°C) is ideal). 
  3. Avoid caffeine (especially coffee) in the afternoon and minimize alcohol in the evening. 
  4. Keep your bedroom as dark as possible to keep light from interfering with your melatonin production. 

Long-term stress is a three-stage killer.

It begins with the release of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline (which cause inflammation and damage to both DNA and cells if they flood your body for a prolonged period of time). It continues with oxidative stress, which is something we talk about quite a bit here at Jinfiniti.

Like stress hormones, oxidative stress also damages cells and DNA, but  it also damages proteins—all of which lead to premature aging. 

Finally, chronic stress affects telomeres, which are the protective caps on the end of your chromosomes that are thought to be a marker of biological aging. Chronic stress is associated with shorter telomeres, which is a serious stage in the problem of premature aging.

So that’s the bad news about stress.

The good news is that if chronic levels of stress are removed, the human body is able to recover and its once-damaged processes can return to healthy levels of functioning.

The body has mechanisms that can repair damaged cells and tissues, and these mechanisms become more high-functioning as the stress is constantly reduced. 

Here are a few of our ideas to reduce chronic stress:

  1. Take a brisk walk. Even a 10-minute walk when you’re feeling stressed can help “burn off” stress hormones and release your body’s feel-good chemicals, which promote relaxation and counter all the physical symptoms associated with stress. 
  2. Try mindfulness. Many people think of mindfulness as a meditation practice, and maybe that’s what you love to do. If not, a simple act of listening to a relaxing song while taking your morning shower or holding a warm beverage while sitting on your front porch, listening to the birds sing, can be acts of mindfulness as well. 
  3. Laugh more. Dr. William Fry refers to laughter as ‘internal jogging’ because it reduces stress hormones and becomes an aperture of joy and hope through which you can look at your life. Whether it’s your children or grandchildren that make you laugh or your favorite TV show, incorporate more opportunities for joy and laughter in your life. 

Aging is a culinary tale, and in this tale, inflammatory foods are the villain.

The havoc that ensues from inflammatory foods accelerates the aging process, leaving a trail of oxidative stress and cellular damage. 

Mitochondria (the energy powerhouses of our cells) has to burn the food we eat to produce ATP (energy), but if we’re eating rice, fried foods or any sugars, (and especially if our mitochondria is already not functioning properly) we’re going to produce free radicals—and free radicals are a big cause of disease and aging. 

Glycation—or, the modification of proteins—is another physiological process that comes out of our diet choices, and it’s a major cause of aging. Not to be confused with glucose (which measures how much sugar is in your blood) glycation measures how much sugar is turning into proteins. 

If you eat a chocolate bar, you’ll experience high levels of glycation (GSP). But it’s not only about how much sugar you eat—it’s also the interaction of your specific genes in combination with the sugar you’re intaking.

Since the foods we consume can either be allies in the battle against time or unwitting accomplices in hastening the aging process, let’s look at the foods that are best left on the shelf: 

  1. Sugar. The Big Bad Guy of inflammatory foods, excessive sugar intake causes glycation, one of the cornerstone causes of premature aging (as explained above). 
  2. Trans Fats. Found in many processed and fried foods, trans fats are notorious for wreaking havoc on our cells. They increase inflammation and contribute to oxidative stress. Check ingredient labels diligently and steer clear of foods that list “partially hydrogenated oils.” 
  3. Processed Meats. Laden with preservatives and additives, processed meats can be detrimental to our attempts to defy aging. Instead, choose lean protein sources like poultry, fish, legumes and nuts instead.
  4. Refined Grains. Often found in white bread, white rice and various processed foods, refined grains cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This triggers a cascade of events leading to inflammation and increased free radicals—in other words, premature aging. Opt instead for unrefined grains or nut and seed options.
  5. Alcohol. NAD levels plummet within the first hour of drinking alcohol, so be mindful of if, when and how you consume alcohol.

Feeling overwhelmed?

Don’t be.

We all eat our favorite (not-so-healthy) treats from time-to-time. Sometimes we get stressed. Other times we don’t get the sleep we need. And that’s okay. 

The most important thing we can do is monitor our biomarker levels in case any of our important physiological processes are malfunctioning in a dangerous way. 

Here at Jinfiniti we recommend testing with one of our biomarker panels because they are the most complete biomarker tests in the world. There are many biomarker tests on the market, but there are none as complete or accurate as Jinfiniti’s. 

Fifty percent of the biomarkers we test for aren’t testable anywhere else in the world! A thorough, comprehensive panel (we have two, priced for your needs) can reveal to you where your body is doing well and where it needs help. 

And if you need to re-stock or purchase our evidence-backed NAD optimization supplement, Accuri® Vitality Boost (backed by our 30-day Money Back Guarantee) you can do so here.

No matter where you’re at on your journey to defy aging and optimize your health, we are here to support you in reaching your goals.

After all, we’re on the same journey as you. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  2. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  3. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  4. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).