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Tag: Mitochondrial Dysfunction

healthy food

The Dirty Secret 88% of Americans Struggle With

88% of Americans are struggling with a problem that can lead to a plethora of diseases and low-life quality: Metabolic dysfunction. 

It may not sound as terrible as autoimmune diseases, diabetes or heart disease, but guess what? It’s where all of those diseases come from. 

If this interests you as much as it does us, here is the number one way to decrease your metabolic dysfunction, age you quicker and increase your likelihood of diseases: 

Eat processed foods. 

The most important thing to know about your food is not what’s in it. It’s what has been done to it to make it processed. And yes, even your organic box of cereal that’s made with all-natural ingredients can still qualify as processed poison. 

Did you know that the USDA and the FDA are fully aware of the dangers of processed foods, yet continue to allow grocery stores to sell them? All while knowing that this so-called food is slowly poisoning the consumers of the United States.  

Food writer Mark Bittmas says that since food is defined as a “substance that provides nutrition and promotes growth” and poison is a “substance that promotes illness,” then “much of what is produced by industrialized agriculture is, quite literally, not food but poison.” 

Dr. Robert Lustig compiles reasons for why Big Food’s processed diet is making us sick, and why it’s designed that way on purpose so that more sick people will require the drugs Big Pharma is offering. 

Dr. Lustig explains that of the eight pathologies (Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Influenza and Pneumonia, and Kidney Disease) that are most commonly killing us, none of them are curable via drugs. 

Five of them respond to exercise, which is vital; however, as Dr. Lustig says, you can’t outrun a bad diet.

The only thing that responds to all eight pathologies is food. Real food nourishes us on a metabolic level. That’s because our bodies know what to do with real food. It breaks it down into assimilable vitamins and minerals, which convert into cellular food like NAD, thus, increasing metabolic function. 

Real foods give your body essential vitamins and minerals that help your body create vitally important cellular food such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)—one of the building blocks of nearly every cellular process in the human body. 

“If you do not fix your food, you continue to court disease and untimely death. If we do not fix our food, we will continue to court societal and planetary oblivion.”—Dr. Robert Lustig

In America, we spend 97.5 percent of our healthcare budget on individual treatment and only 0.5 percent of our budget on preventative care. 

In reality, this bad cycle of only reactively treating symptoms while continuing to under-nourish our cells leads to a collective, societal breakdown of our cellular health and metabolic dysfunction.

Thankfully, the people we serve are proactive, not reactive with their health. Here at Jinfiniti, we offer groundbreaking NAD blood testing and supplementation; two of the most powerful things you can do right now for your metabolic health.

Restock on your Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster or test your NAD levels here with the world’s only intracellular NAD test. Remember, our Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster subscription option is always the best deal and will keep you from running out just as your metabolic health is getting better. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  2. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  3. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  4. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20. Click here to order.

fatigue from long covid

Six Warning Signs of Low NAD Levels: Do You Have Any of These?

There are six warning signs of low NAD levels that can help you know when you need to optimize.

These signs are often the prerequisite to more serious diseases, but fortunately, there are simple ways to treat them all.

Do you have any of these? 

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

1. Fatigue

Every day we hear from our customers about this common health complaint. Just this week, one of our customers in Europe told us that when he began taking our Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster, he didn’t notice much at first.

He’d been battling extremely difficult fatigue for a while. And although nothing changed at first, after just two weeks without changing anything else about his lifestyle or health habits, the fatigue went away. It simply evaporated. 

Here at Jinfiniti, we would think this an aberration if it wasn’t something we hear all the time

In one of our recent case studies, Dr. Dominic Fraboni, whom I spoke with on the podcast, The Optimal Body, was already very healthy and fit, but after adjusting to life with a newborn, lack of sleep and plummets in his energy and stamina, he was more than ready for a drastic change. 

After taking Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster for just seventeen days, Dr. Fraboni tripled his NAD levels and noticed a massive difference in his energy levels and stamina. 

2. Muscle Soreness 

If you’ve struggled with low cellular-level energy for a long time, you’ve probably struggled with fatigue.

The good news is that you can gain back the muscle recovery that you had in your twenties. 

NAD is a linchpin in the metabolic machinery, steering the complex dance of energy production and cellular repair. It acts like the conductor of a symphony, directing processes that are crucial for our body’s performance.

Emerging research reveals that NAD plays a large role in mitigating muscle soreness and aiding the body to recuperate after strenuous physical activity.

When our levels of NAD decline (due to age, excessive stress, or unhealthy habits) the harmonious balance within the cellular symphony is disrupted, leading to a delayed recovery process and, of course, really sore muscles. 

Faster recovery times are another thing Dr. Fraboni (among thousands of our other customers) noticed after taking Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster

3. Low Stamina

When our NAD levels wane, the energy stores within our cells face a shortage, and that leaves us lacking the endurance we probably took for granted during our youth when our NAD levels were likely higher. 

NAD is essential for converting the food we consume into the energy our cells need to perform everything from the beating of our hearts to the movement of our muscles. Low NAD levels disrupt this energy equilibrium, leaving us feeling drained and sapping our stamina. 

Low NAD levels are like running on an almost empty gas tank with the engine sputtering and struggling to keep up with the demands of a fast-paced world. 

This is one reason NAD just might hold the key to unlocking a future where stamina never declines even though our age increases. 

4. Unwanted Weight Gain 

When we have fat in places that we just can’t shake, it’s because our metabolisms are suffering. But it turns out that maintaining optimal intracellular NAD levels might be the key to tipping the scales in our favor. 

NAD acts as a coenzyme in pivotal processes like glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation—which are fancy descriptions for processes that essentially convert nutrients into usable energy.

Intracellular NAD levels are the thing that influences how efficiently this energy is produced and utilized. When our NAD levels fall, metabolic pathways become less efficient, which can lead to a decreased ability to burn calories, and thus, an excess storage of fat. 

Although we don’t guarantee weight loss, many of our customers have experienced weight loss as a welcome side effect of optimizing their metabolic health with Accuri® Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster

5. Brain Fog/ Long Covid 

NAD operates as a neurotransmitter in the brain. This may be why recent studies suggest that NAD depletion could be a key contributor to brain fog—a symptom that has lately been attributed to several health concerns, including the debilitating illness of long Covid.

Mitochondrial decline within brain cells leads to lower communication between neurons as well as lower energy production.

This simply means that if your NAD levels are low, you could experience symptoms under the label of “Brain Fog”—which includes but isn’t limited to memory recall, attention span, and mental fatigue.

Optimizing our NAD levels is a promising strategy for not only combating brain fog but also for promoting long-term brain health and vitality even as we age. 

6. Poor Sleep Quality 

In addition to energy metabolism, NAD plays a multifaceted role in the regulation of our sleep-wake cycles. It’s a critical cofactor in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the molecule that fuels our cells, as well as sirtuins, including those related to sleep regulation.

Optimal NAD levels ensure that we enjoy well-functioning circadian rhythms, which recycle into a restored physical system. 

On the flip side, however, chronic sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality is a cyclical issue that leads to further depletion of NAD reserves. With declining NAD levels, energy production within cells further falters, affecting stamina and hindering the body’s ability to rejuvenate and repair. 

But the good news is that we’ve discovered that by optimizing our NAD levels, we’re able to bolster sleep quality and interrupt the cycle of depletion.

As a matter of fact, improved sleep is one of the first changes our customers notice once they begin taking our Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster

We all know the effect a poor night’s sleep versus a good night’s sleep can have on our brains, bodies, and daily activities. It could be argued that sleep is the most important ingredient our bodies need to repair. 

Are you experiencing any of the signs on this list? 

So have most of us. 

As unpleasant as they might be, these signs serve as reminders when our NAD levels are suffering, and consequently, our entire health system. 

Thankfully, we know from thousands of tests (from everyday people as well as leading scientists, biohackers, MDs, and health professionals) that our formula will optimize, not just improve, intracellular NAD for 90% of people alone, which no other NAD supplement can come close to promising.

No other supplement brand on the market offers the ability to take their supplement and test to see if it’s working. 

And that’s because no other brand on the market compares to the efficacy and transparency of Jinfiniti

In fact, we believe in our Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster so much that we back it with a 60-day Money Back and Efficacy Guarantee.

Try it for yourself to experience how good you can feel. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  2. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  3. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  4. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

4 Ways Your Health Might be Suffering Right Now

Your body lets you know when your health might be suffering. It tells you when you have a cold, when you’ve been eating poorly, or when you are so tired upon waking up that you have to drag yourself to that first cup of coffee. 

But what you may not know is that your health and the way you feel could be suffering mightily if you have a shortage of one critical molecule in your body, NAD.

When our NAD levels are suboptimal, our health suffers in a big way.

That includes a few things like: 

  • Cellular aging
  • Insulin resistance 
  • Chronic fatigue 
  • High oxidative stress 

Unfortunately, the list goes on. 

But thankfully, based on thousands of test results and studies we’ve done, we now have a solution. 

That’s because every day I talk with people just like you who have optimized their NAD levels and experienced life-changing health benefits. 

Here are 3 key physical signs that our customers notice when taking our science-based Accuri® Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster:

  1. A sharp decrease in inflammation 

Inflammation is the #1 cause of most diseases, and one of NAD’s most powerful properties is its anti-inflammatory nature. On a microscopic level, your cells will be able to clean up and function more optimally, which in turn benefits your exterior, too! Swelling and bloating decreases and skin problems clear up, too. 

  1. A massive increase in natural energy levels 

Say bye to the jitters from your  mid-afternoon coffee or energy drink! NAD fuels your cells with real energy, enabling you to think clearer and experience razor-sharp vision, while your stamina becomes what it was a decade ago. (And yes, that includes all of the kinds of stamina—sexual included!) A large increase in energy is one of the most commonly-reported physical benefits our customers report.

  1. A noticeable improvement in your sleep  

Poor sleep quality can ruin more than just your day: it can wreak devastation on your whole body and wellbeing. And what does NAD have to do with this? NAD is involved with the genes that have to do with sleeping, so when you have lower NAD levels, it’s possible you will experience poor sleep quality. Optimal NAD levels = optimal sleep!

These are just three of the physical benefits you can experience from taking our evidence-backed Accuri® Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster. 

Every day, our customers tell us the life-changing transformations they’re experiencing from optimizing their NAD levels. The exact benefits vary from person to person (some customers report things as varied as hair growth and athletic performance boosts!) but nearly everyone experiences something physically transformative. 

With verified lab-tested results, Accuri® Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster raises your NAD levels within as little as two weeks. Guess how many other products on the market can do that for you? None of them. 

If you’re curious about whether or not your NAD levels need to be optimized, you can grab the only NAD test in the world available [here.] 

If you need to re-stock or purchase our evidence-backed NAD+ supplement, Accuri® Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster, the only supplement backed by both a 30-day Money Back and Efficacy Guarantee, you can do so [here.] 

No other company backs their products with the opportunity to verify the results. Just us. 

In my next blog post, we’re going to talk about the most important biomarkers you need to be paying attention to in order to slow your aging in its tracks. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  2. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  3. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  4. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20. Click here to order.