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NAD IV Therapy: How Often Should You Get It?

If you’ve already tried NAD IV therapy or are thinking about it, how do you know if it’s truly working for you?

If you’re not seeing the energy boost or vitality you hoped for, you might not be getting enough NAD from your current routine. 

Read on to find out how NAD IV therapy works, why the frequency of your sessions matters, and whether it’s truly the right choice for you to achieve lasting energy and vitality.

In this article, we discuss: 

  • How NAD IV therapy affects your body and whether your current routine is enough to keep you energized
  • How the right frequency can make or break your results
  • A simple yet more effective alternative to frequent NAD sessions that delivers long-lasting benefits at the cellular level

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20. Click here to order.

You’ve heard the buzz about NAD IV therapy and its powerful benefits—more energy, sharper focus, and a youthful glow. 

But here’s the million-dollar question: How often should you get it to truly reap its benefits? 

Too little, and you might not feel the full impact; too much, and you could be overdoing it. 

The right frequency can boost your energy levels and support long-term vitality, helping you feel more focused and thriving daily.

What is NAD IV Therapy?

NAD IV therapy is a rejuvenating treatment that delivers a concentrated dose of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) into your bloodstream. 

It’s a top pick for those who want to raise their NAD levels quickly, such as in cases of severe NAD depletion or chronic fatigue.

Low NAD levels can speed up cellular aging and mess with your energy production and DNA repair

In NAD IV therapy, a sterile saline solution with NAD is slowly infused into your vein.

This method ensures that NAD is delivered directly to your cells without delaying absorption through the digestive system for more immediate results.

NAD IV therapy is known to boost energy levels, making you feel more vibrant and alive. 

It also helps fight aging, promoting healthier skin, reducing wrinkles, and even improving sleep. 

Beyond that, NAD IV therapy can enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and increase mental clarity. 

Factors That Influence the Frequency of NAD IV Therapy

Everyone is different, so how often you should get NAD IV treatments can vary based on a few key factors, including…

Individual Health Goals

Your health goals play a major role in determining how often you should undergo NAD IV therapy. 

Whether you’re targeting aging, boosting brain power, or recovering from a condition, you’ll need a different session frequency.

If you’re using NAD IV therapy mainly for anti-aging, you might need fewer treatments than someone using it for cognitive enhancement.

A personalized treatment plan that aligns with your specific goals is essential for getting the best results.

Current NAD Levels

Your baseline NAD levels are another crucial factor in determining how often you should receive therapy. 

If your NAD levels are already low, you might need more frequent sessions to build them back up. 

Conversely, if your levels are relatively high, less frequent treatments might be sufficient. 

To get an accurate picture of where you stand, you can take an Intracellular NAD Test

This test measures your NAD levels, helping you and your healthcare provider create a treatment plan that’s just right for you.

Age and Lifestyle Factors

As we age, our NAD levels naturally decline, making more frequent treatments beneficial. 

Older adults may need more frequent NAD treatments to restore and maintain optimal levels, while younger people might only need treatments every few months. 

Additionally, factors like diet, stress levels, and lifestyle habits, such as exercise or lack thereof—can accelerate NAD depletion. 

If your lifestyle is particularly demanding or your diet isn’t as balanced as it could be, you might need NAD IV therapy more often. 

Overall Health and Medical Conditions

Your overall health and any underlying medical conditions also matter in deciding how often you should receive NAD IV therapy. 

Chronic illnesses or certain health conditions may require more frequent treatments to see effective results. 

For instance, those with neurodegenerative diseases might benefit from more regular NAD infusions over a more extended period to help manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. 

Your healthcare provider can help you determine the best approach based on your unique health needs.

Recommended Frequency for Different Goals

To hit your specific health goals, here’s a quick guide to the recommended NAD IV therapy frequency for different needs:

For General Wellness and Anti-Aging

If you’re looking to maintain overall health and slow the aging process, NAD IV therapy can be a powerful tool. 

You might begin with three infusions every other week, then move to a monthly maintenance session. 

For the best results, many start with 1-2 sessions per week for the first 4-6 weeks.

After that, a maintenance schedule of sessions every 4-6 weeks is usually recommended to keep NAD levels stable, supporting cellular repair and energy production. 

For Cognitive Enhancement and Mental Clarity

The brain demands a lot of energy to function at its best.

If you’re looking to enhance cognitive performance or prevent decline, starting with a more frequent schedule, such as once or twice a week for the first month, is often recommended. 

This can rapidly increase NAD levels in your brain, leading to better focus and memory. 

After this initial period, you can reduce the frequency to one session every two to four weeks to keep your mind sharp.

For Athletic Performance and Recovery

Athletes and individuals who engage in intense physical activity can benefit from NAD IV therapy to enhance endurance and speed up recovery. 

You might only need a few sessions throughout your training and then another right before big events like a marathon.

Once you’ve built up your NAD levels, you might reduce the frequency to once a month, maintaining peak performance and recovery.

NAD therapy aids in muscle recovery and reduces fatigue, helping you perform at your best. 

For Chronic Conditions or Severe NAD Depletion

If you’re dealing with a chronic illness or have significant NAD depletion, more frequent NAD IV therapy sessions may be necessary. 

In these cases, starting with two to three sessions per week can provide the needed boost to your NAD levels, helping manage symptoms and support overall recovery. 

As your condition improves, you may gradually reduce the frequency of treatments.

However, maintaining regular sessions, such as once a week or bi-weekly, can be crucial for long-term management of chronic conditions.

NAD IV Therapy vs Oral NAD Supplement: Which Works Best?

When boosting your NAD levels, both NAD IV therapy and oral supplements can get the job done—but which one is right for you?

If you’re looking for a quick, powerful boost—perhaps to address more severe symptoms—NAD IV therapy might be the way to go. 

However, it’s not without its drawbacks. 

Because the NAD+ molecules are too large to pass through cell membranes on their own, this method primarily benefits the bloodstream, only offering a rapid boost. 

However, a study published by Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience found that NAD levels in the blood plasma didn’t increase until a few hours into the infusion. 

Initially, NAD broke down in the first two hours, so it had little effect on blood levels.

Plus, NAD IV therapy can be expensive—around $200 per session—and if your treatment plan calls for multiple sessions a week, the costs can add up quickly.

On the flip side, oral NAD supplements offer a more gradual and cost-effective approach. 

These supplements usually have NAD precursors, such as nicotinamide riboside (NR) or nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), which your body converts into NAD+.

While they might not give you the quick burst of energy that IV therapy can, they’re very effective for delivering benefits directly at the cellular level. 

Over time, these supplements support sustained energy, better metabolism, and overall health from within.

They’re also easier on the wallet and more convenient for daily use.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20. Click here to order.

What is NAD IV Therapy: Benefits, Risks, Side Effects, and Best Practices

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD, is celebrated for its ability to boost energy levels, enhance metabolism, and support cellular health. 

Recently, one particular method of using NAD has been generating a lot of buzz for its potential health benefits. 

We’re talking about NAD IV Therapy, also known as NAD infusion or NAD drip. 

If you’re curious about how NAD IV Therapy works, whether it can truly optimize your health at the cellular level, and if it’s an effective way to elevate your NAD levels…

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • The surprising health benefits and hidden downsides of NAD IV treatments.
  • Why relying solely on NAD IV therapy might fall short and what extra steps you can take to optimize your health.
  • The potential risks and interactions of NAD IV therapy you need to know about.
  • The most effective strategies for elevating NAD, reducing side effects and risks while maximizing your health benefits.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20. Click here to order.

What is NAD IV Therapy

NAD IV Therapy is a treatment that involves the intravenous infusion of NAD+, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a crucial coenzyme present in all living cells.

NAD is essential for cellular energy production, DNA repair, and regulating metabolism, cognition, and 500 other cellular functions.

By administering NAD+ directly into the bloodstream, intravenous NAD infusion is believed to boost the body’s natural levels of this coenzyme.

Some people who had NAD IV infusion reported enhanced energy levels, improved cognitive function, and lifted brain fog, and more.

We have examined and will present the published and unpublished data on these points so that you have the most updated and comprehensive information to make a wise decision about NAD infusion therapy.

How Does NAD IV Therapy Work

NAD IV therapy typically involves a series of intravenous infusions administered by a qualified healthcare professional in a clinical setting. 

The duration and frequency of the NAD IV infusion vary depending on the person’s specific condition and response to treatment.

During the NAD IV infusion, a healthcare professional will insert a needle into a vein, usually in your arm. 

The NAD IV solution, prepared according to the prescribed dosage, is then slowly administered into the bloodstream. 

The rate of infusion should be carefully monitored to ensure your safety and comfort.

As the NAD enters the bloodstream, it is rapidly distributed throughout the body. 

Initially, it was believed that NAD+ delivered via IV would reach cells in various tissues and organs and participate in metabolic reactions, DNA repair processes, and neurotransmitter synthesis, among other functions. 

Some companies, notably in Japan, started marketing IV infusion of NAD+ precursors.

However, published data from Japan suggest that IV infusion of the one-step NAD precursor does not increase blood NAD levels.

Another US company has started offering IV infusion of nicotinamide riboside (NR) but no data is available to evaluate its efficacy.

Intravenous infusion bypasses the digestive system, allowing for higher concentrations of nutrients such as NAD+ to be delivered directly to the cells.

Moreover, our research at Jinfiniti has found that NAD IV therapy does not significantly increase NAD levels inside the cells for several reasons.

  • First, the amount of infused NAD+ and the frequency of infusions do not provide sufficient NAD+.
  • Second, NAD+ is rapidly degraded in the bloodstream within hours.
  • Third, the NAD+ molecule is too large to penetrate the cells.

Take a look at the graph below. 

The use of 750 mg of intravenous NAD+ infusion over 5 sessions did not increase intracellular NAD levels (blue bars). 

Meanwhile, oral NAD supplementation for four weeks optimized NAD levels in 7 of 8 test subjects and significantly boosted NAD in others (green bars).

This suggests that NAD+ infusions may not be an ideal option for those looking to increase energy, improve performance, or extend longevity, due to their high cost, questionable effectiveness, and potential side effects.

The potential benefits of NAD IV therapy, including feeling more energized and mentally clear, are likely due to extracellular NAD and/or the NAD metabolites rather than an increase in intracellular NAD levels.

Intravenous infusion bypasses the digestive system, allowing for higher concentrations of nutrients such as NAD+ to be delivered directly to the cells.

Top Benefits of NAD IV Infusion

Neurological Benefits

NAD IV therapy has shown promise in supporting neurological health. 

By boosting levels of NAD+, a vital coenzyme involved in cellular energy production and DNA repair, the therapy may help improve brain function and cognitive performance

Patients often report enhanced mental clarity, better focus, and improved memory after undergoing NAD IV therapy. 

Additionally, NAD+ supports the repair of damaged neurons and promotes the overall health of brain cells, potentially aiding in the prevention of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Addiction Recovery

NAD infusion is increasingly being used as a supportive treatment for addiction recovery

NAD+ helps to restore proper brain function by replenishing depleted levels of this crucial coenzyme, which can become deficient due to substance abuse. 

This replenishment can reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making it easier for individuals to overcome addiction. 

Furthermore, NAD shots can help repair the brain’s neurotransmitter systems, which are often disrupted by prolonged substance use, aiding in the overall recovery process and supporting long-term sobriety.

Infectious Disease/Lyme Disease

For those battling infectious diseases such as Lyme disease, NAD IV may offer significant benefits. 

Lyme disease can cause severe fatigue, joint pain, and neurological issues, all of which can be debilitating. 

NAD IV therapy helps to boost the body’s natural energy production and supports the immune system in fighting off infections. 

The anti-inflammatory properties of NAD+ can also help reduce symptoms and promote faster recovery. 

Patients with Lyme disease often report feeling more energetic and experiencing fewer symptoms after receiving NAD IV infusion.


In the context of COVID-19, NAD IV therapy may play a supportive role in recovery and overall health maintenance. 

COVID-19 can lead to significant oxidative stress and inflammation, which NAD+ can help mitigate. 

By enhancing the body’s natural repair mechanisms and supporting immune function, NAD drips may aid in reducing the severity of symptoms and accelerating recovery times. 

Additionally, NAD+ helps maintain cellular health and energy production, which can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing post-COVID fatigue and other lingering symptoms. 

While more research is needed, early indications suggest that NAD IV therapy could be a valuable tool in the comprehensive management of COVID-19.

Are NAD+ IV Therapy Effective

The effectiveness of NAD+ IV therapy has been a topic of interest and debate within the medical community. 

One of the primary concerns about NAD IV therapy is whether NAD+ can effectively enter cells and increase intracellular NAD levels. 

Our research revealed that NAD molecules are too large to pass directly through cell membranes and NAD+ in the bloodstream is quickly degraded.

In fact, studies have shown that the infused NAD+ is halved every six hours.

All scientists agree that NAD+ cannot get inside the cells and many NAD+ “experts” believed, without scientific evidence, that the smaller molecules derived from NAD+ can get inside the cells and serve as precursors for cells to remake NAD+.

As a result, NAD IV therapy doesn’t significantly boost intracellular NAD levels, as most of the NAD+ remains in the extracellular space.

While NAD IV therapy may contribute to overall well-being through indirect mechanisms, it’s not a comprehensive solution for optimizing health and vitality.

The potential benefits of NAD+ IV therapy are mainly based on anecdotal evidence, with no published scientific studies supporting these claims. Many users of NAD+ IV therapy report not experiencing any health benefits.

There is also confusion about how NAD+ IV therapy might deliver the reported benefits, as the procedure does not increase intracellular NAD+ levels.

While we know that NAD+ molecules act on specific cell types, particularly neuronal and immune cells, their effects are mostly intracellular. NAD+ may function as neurotransmitters to support neurological health and as ligands to influence immune cell activity.

However, it is crucial to emphasize that NAD+ primarily exerts its effects inside cells.

To boost overall NAD+ function, increasing intracellular NAD+ levels is essential, and this cannot be achieved through NAD+ IV infusion.

For those looking to maximize the benefits of NAD, combining NAD IV infusions with oral NAD precursors can be more effective.

One of the most effective NAD supplements you can use is Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster by Jinfiniti

Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster, a patent-pending NAD formulation, combines the most effective NAD precursor with creatine monohydrate, D-ribose, and niacinamide to elevate NAD levels more effectively than any other product on the market. 

This formulation has been rigorously tested in clinical studies.

In one of our studies, 26 participants took 2000 mg of Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster daily, and after just 4 weeks, 22 of them achieved optimized NAD levels.

Two others were near optimum and could be fully optimized with a slight dosage increase.

One participant saw a modest increase, and another showed no change. 

While 85% of the participants reached optimal NAD levels, 100% experienced a significant boost compared to their starting levels.

In another study conducted at Dr. Richard Delany’s office, 22 patients aged 45 to 94, all with various health issues, were supplemented daily with 2000 mg (2 scoops) of Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster.

Remarkably, 80% of these patients achieved optimized NAD levels, with some requiring a higher dosage. Most patients also experienced significant clinical improvements.

This demonstrates that oral NAD supplementation can effectively increase intracellular NAD levels over time, complementing the extracellular benefits of NAD IV therapy.

By targeting both extracellular and intracellular NAD, this combined approach provides a more comprehensive strategy for enhancing cellular health, boosting energy, and promoting overall health.

Common NAD IV Therapy Side Effects

If you’re considering NAD drips, here are some potential side effects you might experience.


Some people may experience a feeling of queasiness or an urge to vomit after receiving NAD IV therapy. 

This can be managed by ensuring proper hydration before and after the treatment and by taking anti-nausea medications if necessary. 

If you experience any discomfort while taking the NAD shop, tell it immediately to your doctor so appropriate measures can be taken.


In rare cases, patients may experience lightheadedness or dizziness during or after an NAD IV therapy session. 

This can occur due to fluctuations in blood pressure or changes in fluid balance that happen as the infusion progresses.

Local Discomfort

As with any intravenous therapy, there may be some discomfort or pain at the injection site. This is usually mild and transient. 

Minimize discomfort by using smaller needles, applying local anesthetics, and ensuring the IV is inserted properly. 

If pain or discomfort persists, you should inform your healthcare provider immediately.


We have found that about 70% of NAD IV therapy recipients experience a 3- to 10-fold increase in high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), an acute phase reactive protein that indicates inflammation. 

This response suggests that NAD IV therapy can trigger an inflammatory reaction in some individuals. 

Monitoring hs-CRP levels and managing inflammation through appropriate interventions is crucial for patient safety.

How Much Does NAD Infusion Therapy Costs?

NAD IV therapy can be quite expensive, often putting it out of reach for many people. 

The cost of treatment varies depending on the provider, location, and frequency of sessions.

On average, a single NAD drip infusion can range from $200 to $1,000 or more.

Typically, it’s recommended to undergo NAD IV therapy 1-2 times per week for the first 4-6 weeks, depending on your health condition and desired outcome.

To maintain the benefits, a follow-up treatment every 4-6 weeks is often advised. 

If you have heightened oxidative stress or a chronic illness, your doctor may suggest more frequent sessions.

Consider the financial commitment: undergoing NAD therapy once a week at $200 per session could cost you around $800 per month. 

Additionally, each NAD IV session can take up to 4 hours, making it a significant time investment. 

The duration of the infusion is crucial, as side effects are directly linked to the speed of administration. 

Slowing down the infusion can help minimize side effects, but it also means you may need to take time off work or adjust your schedule considerably. 

The need for multiple sessions to achieve optimal results further adds to both the time and financial burden.

BUT here’s a good news:

If you’re looking for a simple and cost-effective way to boost your NAD levels and experience the benefits at the cellular level, oral NAD supplements like Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster are an ideal solution

Unlike NAD drips, which can be time-consuming, preparing your NAD boost takes just a minute or two.

Simply mix a scoop of Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster powder with 3-5 oz of room temperature water, and sip it with or without food.

It’s convenient to take anywhere—whether you’re at work, commuting, at the gym, or on the go.

Using NAD powder is also budget-friendly.

A single canister, priced at $118.00, lasts an entire month, and you can save even more when you buy in bulk.

By opting for oral NAD supplements, you save both time and money while optimizing your health.

Possible Drug Interactions of NAD IV Therapy

NAD IV therapy, like any medical treatment, may have potential drug interactions. 

It’s important to discuss your current medications with your doctor before starting NAD IV therapy. 

Here are some drugs that may interact with NAD IV therapy to be aware of.

Antidiabetic Medications

NAD+ plays a role in metabolic processes, and its interaction with antidiabetic medications, such as insulin or oral hypoglycemics, may affect blood sugar levels.

Patients with diabetes should monitor their blood glucose closely and consult their healthcare provider before starting NAD IV therapy.

Chemotherapy Agents

Chemotherapy drugs can significantly impact cellular metabolism and DNA repair processes. 

Since NAD+ is involved in these pathways, there is a potential for interactions. 

Patients undergoing chemotherapy should discuss NAD IV therapy with their oncologist to evaluate any risks or benefits.


Certain antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can interact with NAD+ due to its role in neurotransmitter synthesis and regulation.

Blood Pressure Medications

NAD IV therapy may influence blood pressure by affecting vascular function. 

Patients on antihypertensive medications, such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors, should have their blood pressure monitored regularly during the therapy to avoid potential hypotension or other cardiovascular issues.

Immunosuppressive Drugs

Patients taking immunosuppressive medications, such as those used in autoimmune diseases or post-transplant, should exercise caution with NAD IV therapy. 

NAD+ can modulate immune responses, which might alter the effectiveness of immunosuppressive treatment. 


NAD+ may affect blood clotting mechanisms. 

Patients on anticoagulant therapy, such as warfarin or newer oral anticoagulants, should be closely monitored for any changes in coagulation parameters to prevent potential bleeding complications.

Anti-Seizure Medications

NAD IV therapy could potentially interact with anti-seizure medications by altering neuronal function and neurotransmitter levels.

Patients with epilepsy or other seizure disorders should consult their neurologist before starting NAD IV therapy to ensure it does not interfere with their seizure control.

Before you begin NAD IV therapy, make sure to provide a complete list of their current medications to your doctor to lower risks and ensure a safe and effective treatment experience.

Who Should Not Use NAD+ IV Therapy?

While NAD IV therapy offers potential benefits for enhancing cellular function and overall well-being, it may not be suitable for everyone. 

Some people should avoid this therapy due to potential risks and contraindications. 

Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women

The safety of NAD IV therapy during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been well studied. 

Therefore, it is generally recommended that pregnant or breastfeeding women avoid this treatment to prevent any potential risks to the mother or baby.

Individuals with Severe Kidney or Liver Disease

Patients with severe kidney or liver disease may have impaired metabolism and excretion of NAD+. 

This could lead to an accumulation of the coenzyme and its metabolites, potentially causing adverse effects. 

People with Certain Cardiovascular Conditions

NAD IV therapy may influence blood pressure and vascular function.

People with unstable cardiovascular conditions, such as severe hypertension, heart failure, or recent heart attack, should avoid this therapy unless specifically advised by a cardiologist. 

Patients on Immunosuppressive Therapy

Individuals taking immunosuppressive medications, such as those used for autoimmune diseases or post-transplant, should exercise caution with NAD IV therapy. 

NAD+ can modulate immune responses, which might alter the effectiveness of immunosuppressive treatment. 

Those with Allergic Reactions to NAD+ or Infusion Components

Anyone with a known allergy to NAD+ or any components used in the infusion process should not undergo NAD IV therapy. 

Allergic reactions could range from mild to severe and pose significant health risks.

Individuals with Uncontrolled Diabetes

Since NAD+ is involved in metabolic processes, it could interact with blood sugar regulation. 

Individuals with poorly controlled diabetes should stabilize their condition before considering NAD IV therapy.

People with Certain Neurological Conditions

NAD IV therapy could potentially alter neuronal function and neurotransmitter levels. Individuals with neurological conditions such as epilepsy should consult their neurologist before starting therapy to ensure it does not interfere with their condition or treatment plan.

While NAD IV therapy can offer various health benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. 

Individuals in the categories mentioned above should avoid the therapy or seek thorough medical advice before considering it. 

How to Properly Use NAD IV Therapy For Best Results

To maximize the benefits of NAD IV therapy, it is important to use it correctly and in conjunction with other supportive measures. 

Combining NAD IV therapy with oral NAD supplements, such as Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster, is highly effective. 

While NAD IV therapy provides a direct infusion of NAD+ into the bloodstream, oral supplements can help sustain and enhance intracellular NAD levels over time. 

This combination targets both extracellular and intracellular NAD needs, offering greater benefits for cellular health and overall well-being.

For those interested in NAD’s anti-aging benefits, oral NAD supplement is worth a try.

These supplements can be taken daily to keep NAD levels steady, supporting metabolism, energy production, and cell repair.

Vitality ↑® NAD+ Booster by Jinfiniti is a popular choice due to its high-quality formulation and effectiveness in increasing intracellular NAD levels.

This clinically proven formula combines NAD precursors, creatine monohydrate, D-Ribose, and niacinamide to boost NAD levels more effectively than other products, helping to rejuvenate your cells and overall health.

To ensure effective management of NAD levels, it is always important to test rather than guess.

The Intracellular NAD Test from Jinfiniti allows accurate measurement of NAD levels, providing you with a personalized approach to supplementation and therapy. 

Knowing your baseline NAD levels helps you adjust your supplements for the best results, ensuring you get optimal benefits without over- or under-dosing.

Not to mention, a common concern with oral supplements is whether their ingredients are effectively absorbed and bioavailable.

While absorption rates can vary, high-quality supplements are formulated to enhance bioavailability, ensuring that NAD+ precursors are efficiently converted into active NAD+.

Although measuring bioavailability for every individual can be challenging, it is now straightforward to assess NAD+ levels before and after supplementation, thanks to the Intracellular NAD Test.

This approach helps determine the effectiveness of the supplement for each person and guides the appropriate dosage needed to achieve and maintain optimal NAD+ levels.

Always seek guidance from a qualified healthcare professional before starting NAD IV therapy or any supplement regimen. 

They can provide personalized advice based on your health status, medical history, and specific needs, and monitor your progress to make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Most importantly, practice a healthy lifestyle and diet. 

Proper hydration and nutrition are essential for maximizing the benefits of NAD IV therapy. 

Staying well-hydrated helps the body effectively utilize NAD+, while a balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients to support cellular health and metabolic processes. 

Remember: consistency is key to achieving the best results with NAD IV therapy and supplements. 

Follow a regular schedule as recommended by your doctor and be patient, as it may take several sessions to notice significant improvements. 

Regular monitoring and testing can help track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your regimen. 

By combining NAD IV therapy with oral NAD supplements, focusing on personalized testing and monitoring, following medical guidance, and maintaining good hydration and nutrition, you can maximize the benefits of NAD IV therapy and effectively support your overall health and wellness goals.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20. Click here to order.