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Tag: Optimization

NAD Optimization: Real People, Real Results

Over the last 30 days we’ve received amazing messages, reviews, and conversations with customers over text, social media, email and comments added to our website from real customers. In their words,  and for a variety of health conditions, here’s what people are saying about how it feels to be NAD optimized.


“Just minutes ago, I was standing at my kitchen counter and could barely hold my head up. After two scoops of Vitality Boost, I was online looking at tile at Home Depot and about to bolt out the door. Wildest thing.”

-Kathyrn, best selling author, mom, and speaker who was two days into having Covid at the time.

Parkinson’s Disease

“I’m extremely happy with my latest nad test done January 18. Current levels are 58.9
Here is the progress starting with April 16, 2022: 24.9, 23.4, 34, 33.6, 42, 58.9

Your NAD+ precursor and testing works. Even with Parkinson’s my energy levels are good.”

-David, retired professor and noted health expert.

Running and Exercise

“I recently purchased the Vitality Boost in October of 2023 and have used it since…I didn’t know that it could increase energy and improve performance, and being in the Military while on deployment has given me that extra boost to get me through my long days. 

…This product couldn’t have come at a better time since I was preparing for the Athens Marathon in Greece on November 12th, 2023. I finished 608th of 21,598, averaging a pace of 7:30 seconds for a distance of 26.2 miles. For proof, check out my Instagram @ _mas_oficial, which shows my race results! This was my first marathon, and being a 31-year-old male, I felt like I was in my early 20s. I feel more energized and focused throughout the day while in the field. Regarding gym exercise, I’ve been improving my bench, squat, and deadlift.” 

—Emmanuel C. 

Chasing Kids

“I’m almost done with my first jar and I can’t believe how my energy levels have improved. I’m finding myself smiling more often and feeling overall much more relaxed. My boyfriend’s nieces and nephew roped me into playing a basketball game with them over Christmas and despite having done no cardio or regular workout sessions for a few years now, I had plenty of energy even after running back and forth across the gym for probably a solid half hour before the kids finally got bored. The energy improvement is very tangible. The mood improvement is subtle but still noteworthy”

—Emily P. 

Walking, Stamina, Drive

“I have used other NAD products but at 75 years old, I was still testing just low normal, and not feeling able to complete my normal day and workouts with vigor. After six weeks using Jinfiniti’s Accuri Vitality Boost I am back living like I was 25 years ago… 5 -10 mile hikes, full days of meetings and studying… and having fun again!. My wife is also back to our expected normal activity levels…” thank you Dr. She from both of us! “

—Bruce Ross

Anxiety & Mental Health

“I felt like my brain was broken. I was so tired. I battled high levels of anxiety, having panic attacks three times a week, I felt fatigued all the time and needed 400 mg of caffeine and 2 naps per day just to function. It felt like a single setback could slide me off the cliff.

Initially, I did a big round of NAD IV, which was $4000, but I was desperate. It gave me a lot of energy and mental lift, but it wasn’t sustainable. A few months later, I was feeling the same. And then I discovered Jinfiniti. My NAD levels were sorely deficient. 

Within several months of taking the Vitality Boost, my energy is much higher, my mental health and anxiety is so much better, and I’ve even lost some of the unwanted stubborn weight that wouldn’t go away. And my NAD levels are now optimal at 55.4 thanks to Vitality Boost.

My husband and I feel we have our lives back and I know Jinfinti’s been a huge part of that.”

—Sarah W., one of our monthly subscribers of Vitality Boost.

Mental Clarity, Postpartum, Recovery

“After Dante was born, I still regularly experienced higher than normal levels of fatigue (like my cells were tired). I didn’t wake up as energized as I used to and my recovery wasn’t as good after a workout. I had some lingering brain fog and lack of mental clarity. Metabolism seemed to be lower. 

After two weeks of taking Vitality Boost, my brain fog has lifted, my metabolism is coming back and I’ve even felt some of that postpartum baby fat shedding faster. I feel better, happier, and more alert when I wake up. I am bouncing back faster and better from workouts. I am back to myself, which feels amazing.”

—Dr. Jennifer Fraboni (Doc Jen)

Severe Fatigue

“Over the last year, I started experiencing really debilitating fatigue in the afternoon. About six months ago, I did the NAD test and got shockingly low results coming in deficient. I’m perfectly healthy. I don’t have any diagnosed medical conditions. I exercise regularly, I eat well, and I’m not overweight. 

I was so appalled and determined to start taking the supplements regularly. 

Two weeks into taking the NAD supplement, the fatigue disappeared. I was absolutely astonished. I’m not going to stop taking the supplements to see if the fatigue comes back. I’d recommend the Vitality boost to anyone who needs extra energy.”

—Dr. James Goodwin, Director of Brain Health Network, London, UK.


“I have been using the supplement for the last 2 months. During this time I have increased my movement and feel strong and energized over the whole day. I’m a full time working mum and love all kinds of exercise. The best thing is the even energy all day so I can train/exercise/move whenever.”

—Louise N.

Overall Vitality

When my friend gifted me Vitality Boost I was skeptical however this skepticism has turned into gratitude for Jinfiniti. Vitality Boost has exceeded my expectations as a comprehensive wellness supplement. The promised benefits of increased energy, enhanced performance, improved sleep quality, and reduced inflammation have been noticeable in my daily life. 

I’ve experienced a significant reduction in muscle and joint pains, and the positive impact on allergic and asthmatic symptoms is truly remarkable. The supplement’s influence on mental clarity and dementia symptoms adds an extra layer of appeal. The promise of improved health functions, including the liver, kidney, heart, and thyroid, provides a sense of overall well-being. Vitality Boost lives up to its claims, making it a valuable addition to my wellness routine.”

—Shannon O.

Research news: NAD is showing significant promise in treatment neurodegenerative diseases, traumatic brain injury, diabetes, stroke and other health challenges from this research paper

“The preservation of cognitive ability by increasing nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD+) levels through supplementation with NAD+precursors has been identified as a promising treatment strategy for a number of conditions; principally, age-related cognitive decline (includingAlzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia), but also diabetes, stroke, and traumatic brain injury.”

Reading these reviews warms our hearts and reignites our passion for what we’re doing here at Jinfiniti with our groundbreaking NAD tests, biomarker panels and Vitality Boost (which we back with a 60-day Money Back Guarantee).

Do you have results to share? You can leave us a review by going to the product page here, scrolling down and clicking the “Write a review button.”

We’re always thrilled to hear how Jinfiniti has helped you optimize your life or any questions you may have.


-Supplementation with NAD+ and Its Precursors to Prevent Cognitive Decline across Disease Contexts with NAD+ and it’s Precursors to Prevent Cognitive Decline across Disease Context

-Importance of NAD Anabolism in Metabolic, Cardiovascular, and Neurodegenerative Disorders.”

The shocking truth about fertility and NAD levels

Given the modern world’s accelerated human aging conditions, most of us know at least one person who has struggled or is struggling with fertility issues. 

But did you know that low fertility has recently been linked in academic studies to declining NAD levels? (Research link is at the bottom of the blog.) 

Here’s the nitty-gritty. 

The ovary—the crucial organ for female reproductive function—has a limited lifespan determined by the number of primordial follicles it possesses, established early in development. As females age, this ovarian reserve naturally decreases, leading to diminished fertility in the late 30s and menopause. 

Cells in the ovary require energy for folliculogenesis (which is just a fancy word for the process by which cells develop into a fertilizable egg). NAD plays a vital role in that energy generation, as well as cell signaling and tissue repair, so the decline in ovarian NAD levels with age is linked to reduced fertility. 

Understanding NAD and Ovarian Function: 

While NAD is a crucial component in the energy metabolism of ovarian cells—including those responsible for folliculogenesis and oocyte maturation—during ovulation, there’s a heightened demand for NAD to support various processes, including follicular rupture and DNA damage repair. The balance of NAD is essential for maintaining these ovarian functions. With decline in NAD levels due to health issues or simple aging, ovaries experience a decrease in egg quantity and quality. 

Role of CD38 in Ovarian NAD and Metabolism: 

One factor contributing to age-related decline in NAD levels is the gene CD38. CD38 is known for its diverse roles in regulating immune cell function and metabolic processes. As we age, an increase of CD38 gene expression and activity negatively correlates with tissue NAD levels in various organs. 

In mice studies, when mice lose the CD38 gene’s function, their ovaries have more resources and increased fertility when they’re young. But as they age, the levels of CD38 in ovaries go up, leading to decreased energy production and fertility. 

Which brings us to NAD. 

CD38 is a regulator that controls how much NAD is used in the ovaries, and NAD is crucial for reproductive functions. So when we look at mice without the CD38 gene, we notice that they have improved reproductive abilities, including more follicles and increased fertility. This led us to believe that these mice might have higher levels of NAD, and when we checked their ovaries, we discovered that the NAD levels were significantly higher in the mice without the CD38 gene compared to regular mice, especially in their reproductive prime. 

In summary, as we begin to understand the molecular mechanisms behind ovarian NAD loss, new avenues for enhancing reproductive longevity open up to us. 

We already knew that targeting NAD metabolism would have a dramatic effect on nearly every cellular process in the human body, but this new evidence is pointing us to potential solutions within one of the most challenging and heartbreaking conditions besieging our modern world: infertility. 

If someone you know is struggling with infertility, forward this email to them. NAD is integrally involved in over 500 cellular processes in the human body and is the foundational molecule of life. It should come as no surprise that we now see evidence of low NAD levels leading to infertility. 

Here at Jinfiniti, our flagship NAD supplement, the Accuri® Vitality Boost, is a patent-pending formulation that has been extensively tested in clinical studies by  hundreds of clinics and by thousands of consumers. It allows optimization of NAD in approximately 90% of users, a figure incomparable to any other NAD supplementation on the market. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  2. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  3. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  4. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity

Research Citation:

CD38 regulates ovarian function and fecundity via NAD+ metabolism from National Institute of Health.

What Does Peak Performance Aging Look Like? Is Cognitive Aging Really a Fact of Life?

Peak performance aging is a radical concept that throws a pie in the face of traditional aging. The traditional theory of aging is that there is little that we can do to stop the slide. 

We’ve all heard accepted-aging statements: “Well, there’s nothing you can do about it. I guess we’re just getting old.” “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” “Aches and pains are all part of getting old.” “Aging comes for us all.” 

One leading thinker, Steven Kotler, a noted expert in the field of peak performance begs to differ.

Aging is a fact of life, but old is all a mindset.”

A NY Times bestselling author, journalist and flow researcher, Kotler explains further about the myth of uncontrollable aging in his research and his recent book, Gnar Country: Growing Old, Staying Rad.

“Ageism is the most socially acceptable stereotype in the world,” he said. “But it has radical consequences.”  He further explains, aging is a mindset,”A proper mindset towards aging is also a growth mindset. If you have a fixed mindset around aging, everything about lifelong learning is going to be worthless.”

When psychologist Mihaly Cskiszentmihalyi coined the term Flow in the 70s to explain the peak performance zone he discovered people could tap into, he discovered a unique psychological state like any other and inadvertently helped catalyze the positive psychology movement. 

When it comes to aging, the latest research indicates that not only is regularly activating flow state a key factor in long-term life satisfaction, it is also neuro-protective against cognitive decline (see George Valliant’s research at Harvard-citations will be on our blog). 

You may be wondering what all this may have to do with Jinfiniti, and we’ll get to that in a second. 

But first, here are a few things that happen when your body is in Flow State: 

  1. All six positive neurochemical cocktails are released.
  2. Life satisfaction goes up. 
  3. Cognitive decline slows and even reverses. 

The long slow route theory of aging states that skills decline as you age, therefore cognitive decline is inevitable. But new research that supports peak performance aging flys in the face of that with practical guidance on how to achieve peak performance aging. 

To avoid cognitive decline, the research says that you need to:  

  1. Solve the crisis of identity by the time you’re 30.
  2. Have match/fit quality by the time you’re in your 40s.
  3. In your 50s, you need to combat two things:
    1. Risk aversion. If you are risk averse, you are fearful which releases norephedrine, which then blocks . You need challenging, creative social experiences and should remain open, curious and explorative. 
    2. Physical fragility. According to Kotler, you do this through “challenging social activities that involve deliberate dynamic play in novel outdoor environments.” To protect against cognitive decline, you need neurogenesis, the birth of new neurons. You have 700 new neurons being made daily, with the majority of them being made in the hippocampus. 

So why is this important? In the hippocampus, your brain remembers novel outdoor experience as that is what your brain has been trained to do for thousands of years. 

What does a positive, even a growth mindset around aging look like?

Six neurochemical cocktails released in flow:


Drives desire, excitement, enthusiasm, sexual desire, curiosity, to test your limits


Brain’s version of adrenaline. Produces a huge increase in energy and alertness. When you’re obsessed with an idea, can’t stop thinking about the person you just met, then it’s activated


Produces love, trust, friendship. It’s pro social. Underpins everything from long term bliss to cooperative businesses and relationships.


Calming, peaceful. Gives a mood lift. Shows up post meal with the desire to take a nap. Important for satisfaction and contentment


Heavy duty stress & pain relievers. Replaces the weight of the day with euphoric happiness.

Kotler identifies five categories of functional fitness that need to be trained and maintained: strength, stamina, agility, balance and flexibility.

“These are all use it or lose it skills, if we want to retain our physical abilities late in life,” he said.

He noted a study about aging conducted by Yale professor Becca Levy that proved there was a significant correlation in how people thought about aging and viewed themselves when exposed to negative stereotypes.

“This could be people saying, ‘You’re too old for this s- -t,’ or you telling yourself ‘You’re too old for this s- -t,’” he explained. “By the time they were 60, we see a 30% greater memory decline in people who have been exposed to negative stereotypes around aging. Literally, we’re killing each other with these ideas.”

So here’s how peak performance aging ties into what we’re about at Jinfiniti:

If you are suffering in one of the vital biomarkers that can precipitate and accelerate aging, then it dramatically diminishes your potential longevity and healthspan.

Just this week, I met a 35-year-old with significant health issues whom we may be able to help pre-empt by testing and more precisely diagnosing while also optimizing NAD levels, so it can happen at almost any age.

NAD deficiency affects your energy, which in turn, affects your drive and motivation to engage in peak-performance, anti-aging related activities. The sooner you start ensuring your NAD is optimized, the sooner you throttle back aging, thereby extending your healthspan immediately. 

If you happen to be 50+ years old, your NAD levels are likely not optimal unless you’ve been taking our vitality boost for quite some time. According to extensive research, the average healthy 50-year-old has already lost 50% of their NAD levels. 

Here at Jinfiniti, our flagship NAD supplement, the Accuri® Vitality Boost, is a patent-pending formulation that has been extensively tested in clinical studies by  hundreds of clinics and by thousands of consumers. It allows optimization of NAD in approximately 90% of users, a figure incomparable to any other NAD supplementation on the market. 

No other molecule comes close to helping your cells function optimally as much as NAD. 

This means that pain, inflammation, fatigue, brain function (obstacles to Flow State & peak performance aging) all decrease while mental clarity, stamina, recovery, energy, and youthfulness (ingredients of Flow State) all increase when NAD is optimized.

Hence why NAD optimization plays an inextricable link in achieving peak performance aging at the molecular level.

Whether you’re a pro athlete or you’re working in the corporate world, building a business, or raising a family, taking care of your cellular vitality is paramount to how you feel, how you perform but also how and whether or not you age.

That’s why NAD is  arguably the foundational molecule for all of life. Plus, if you are over 40 years old your NAD levels are essentially guaranteed to be deficient. So get one of our NAD tests and a bottle of Vitality Boost to tune up your NAD levels. Better, yet, our NAD starter kit is a terrific value as it’s 2 tests and 2 Vitality Boosts, so within two months we can verify that your NAD levels are up to optimal levels.

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  2. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  3. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  4. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).


Precision medicine

Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future of Health

Optimized, precision medicine is the future of health because no one person is the same, and when it comes to your health, shortcuts can be costly and even deadly.

Imagine you are about to board a flight and the pilot makes the following announcement: “I have an important update about today’s flight. There’s a five percent chance that you will land in the wrong city. Additionally, there’s another five percent chance that you will not safely make it to your destination and may perish onboard. Boarding will begin in approximately five minutes.”

We expect 100% precision for landing in the right city safely every time we board a flight. No exceptions. We expect 100% precision from Starbucks when we order our favorite beverage. We expect 100% successful delivery from our order, don’t we?

But astonishingly, when it comes to our health, we’ve become used to accepting far less precision, even when there are far more serious consequences than getting the wrong Frappuccino. 

Take cancer, for example. 

In the US alone, 86,500 cancer patients (5%) are misdiagnosed every year, leading to wrong treatments, accidental deaths, and unnecessary suffering. I don’t know about you, but if it’s my loved one who’s dealing with cancer and there’s a 5% chance of misdiagnosis, that’s far too high. Plus, by the time you’ve got cancer, you’ve got a full-blown problem that often would have been preventable with more advanced testing. 

All this to say: which diseases could you prevent with a greater precision approach to your health?

Just like when it comes to getting on an airplane, when it comes to my health or the health of my loved ones, I never want to “wing” it. 

But sadly, most Americans have more data on their social media profiles than they have on their health and vitality. 

And, regardless of what Apple or Fitbit may want you to believe, steps-per-day is not a biomarker. 

A real biomarker anticipates potential issues that can become full-blown diseases. It’s common sense that when your body is functioning optimally, you are less likely to get diseases and experience significant health issues. 

This is the promise of the advanced health tests we offer at Jinfiniti. Our Advanced Aging Panel tests for 22 key biomarkers, half of which are not available via any other test in the world, and all of which are contributing factors to creating disease states in your body. 

Step trackers, sleep monitors, and glucose monitors are all helpful, but none are as vital, precise, or comprehensive as our Aging SOS panels (both the standard and the advanced).

Since NAD is the primary fuel source for no less than 500 cellular processes and since having optimal levels of NAD is vital to peak energy, health and slowing aging, this is the easiest and most affordable testing option to begin extending the good years of your life. 

Jinfiniti’s NAD test is $248 and can be done from the comfort of your home. (Use the code optimal20 to get 20% off your first order.) If you are purchasing one of our Aging SOS biomarker panels, please note that NAD testing is already included with those. 

In the Western world, “normal health” isn’t healthy. Optimal is healthy. So never settle for normal when you can be optimal. 

And if you’re 50+ years old, your NAD levels are likely not optimal unless you’ve been taking our vitality boost for quite some time. According to extensive research, the average healthy 50-year-old has lost 50% of their NAD levels. 

Is there someone you want to be healthy and feeling optimal for? 

I do. I have two young girls and I want to be in optimal health for them for as long as possible. 

This is a huge part of our mission here at Jinfiniti: Living in prime, optimal health so we can enjoy our time with loved ones, doing all the things that make life worth living.

And that’s why precision medicine matters.

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  2. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  3. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  4. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).

Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD+, NR, and Longevity

Recently, Stanford neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman (who has one of the top health podcasts in the world) did a 16-minute Q&A segment on NAD and its precursors. 

Overall, I respect his commitment to scientific accuracy and his standard of excellence with his approach.

However, I consider him under-informed and not a subject matter expert in this particular arena.

Here’s where Huberman is wrong about NAD+, NR, and longevity.

In this article, you’ll discover…

  • Why you should not trust Andrew Huberman’s opinion about NAD supplements and why his expertise may not fully cover the complexities of NAD research, potentially leading to overestimated benefits.
  • Discover why NAD IV treatments might not be as effective as Andrew Huberman suggests and how they could be draining your wallet without delivering the promised health benefits.
  • The only NAD supplement proven to boost levels by 200-300%, far exceeding the modest 20-40% increase seen with other NAD products.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

Let’s start with where we agree with Dr. Huberman:

  1. NAD provides a noticeable increase in energy: Dr. Huberman takes NAD+ precursor daily because of the very noticeable improvement in energy. In his words, “It gives me a lot of sustainable physical and mental energy throughout the day. I noticed a decrease in energy when I stopped taking NAD+ precursor. While I wasn’t totally depleted, my energy was noticeably lower. As a 48-year-old, having great energy is important to me.”
  2. We need more data and research. There are countless studies, tens of millions of dollars and many different types of clinical trials underway and completed. But because NAD shows enormous promise and potential, we can’t do enough research fast enough. Plus, it takes years for many trials and studies to be completed. 

However, there are a few important points where I disagree with Dr. Huberman. I believe he is seeing an incomplete picture with regards to NAD and its role in so many of our body’s systems. 

Here’s where we disagree: 

  1. Optimal Levels of NAD Increase Lifespan by Increasing Healthspan: While there haven’t been conclusive studies done on humans to demonstrate that NAD extends lifespan, you’d be hard-pressed to find any conclusive clinical trials and studies on any molecule or nutrient that slows aging.  Furthermore, the six root causes of aging that are central to long term health are all influenced, if not directly affected, by NAD. If your NAD levels are deficient, your metabolic function suffers significantly, which we know intensifies and accelerates your aging as well as your likelihood of disease. 
  1. Supplements are fundamental to optimal health: He claims that supplements are NOT fundamental to life/health, which is obviously wrong. Most of us are deficient in multiple nutrients for one reason or another and supplementation is an invaluable way to boost and support our health, improving our healthspan and thereby extending our lifespan.
  1. NAD+ precursor clearly elevates NAD levels (especially Vitality Boost): Huberman says he does not know if NAD+ precursor can elevate NAD.  He is ignoring all the publications and consumer data that NAD+ precursor can elevate NAD and the functional/clinical benefits. His statement is contradictory to his own experience that it gives him more energy with cellular energy being a fundamental aspect of good health. We see thousands of test results every year that conclusively demonstrate that your intracellular levels can be substantially increased, especially with our Vitality Boost, of which no other supplement comes close to increasing NAD levels as effectively.
  1. NAD IV. There’s much that we don’t know about the effectiveness of intravenous NAD, but one thing we do know is that it has no measurable impact on raising the NAD levels in your blood. Within hours of getting an IV, your system has flushed out the NAD from your bloodstream. Huberman seems to believe that your NAD levels increase with NAD IV, which is not the case at least intracellularly though they do seem to increase in your plasma. Here’s a feature that did on me where we discussed the research that indicates no perceptible impact to intracellular NAD though your cellular plasma NAD levels do seem to increase.

See our YouTube video this week comparing NAD IV vs. Vitality Boost.

Many people do notice an increase in energy and reduction in anxiety for a time period ranging from several days to several weeks after an IV, and we also agree that NAD IVs are a very expensive (and even painful) way to increase NAD

Dr. Huberman deserves a thumbs-up for his overall approach and standard of scientific rigor. As a fellow scientist, I have served as a Division Chief of Experimental Pathology and Director of Research and was the founding Director for Biotechnology and Genomic Medicine, as well as the director of two core research facilities in Genomics, Proteomics, and Mass Spectrometry.

As a genetics researcher for over 40+ years, I have reviewed thousands of intracellular NAD tests, authored over 400-peer reviewed papers with an H-index of 76 and over 20,000 citations, and secured over $100 million dollars in research grants.

Here at Jinfiniti, our flagship NAD supplement, the Accuri® Vitality Boost, is a patent-pending formulation that has been extensively tested in clinical studies by hundreds of clinics and by thousands of consumers. It allows optimization of NAD in approximately 90% of users, a figure incomparable to any other NAD supplementation on the market. 

I strongly disagree with both Dr. Andrew Huberman’s assessment of NAD and its precursors. His understanding of NAD and its precursors is far less than what’s currently available. He hasn’t had the privilege of thousands of intracellular NAD tests. 

As someone who has a deep and integral knowledge of NAD and its precursors, I have a much more expansive data set and perspective when it comes to NAD and its role in our health. It is my primary area of focus. 

With regards to neuroscience, Huberman is the expert. But as far as genetics and NAD are concerned, that’s my field of expertise

Vitality Boost optimizes—not just improves—intracellular NAD for 90% of people alone, which no other NAD supplement can come close to promising.

While other brands increase NAD levels by 20-40% at best, we often see levels increase by 200-300% as we did with Doc Jen, a prominent doctor of physical therapy who loves the Vitality Boost. We back it with a 60-Day Money-Back and Efficacy Guarantee. That’s because we back up our Vitality Boost with testing, where all of the proof lies! 

I highly recommend testing your NAD levels to see where your levels are at and how much they need to be optimized. Jinfiniti’s intracellular NAD test is the only one of its kind in the world, and if you don’t already know where your levels are, it’s the best place to begin your optimization journey. 

Here are a few of our recent blog posts that you may be interested in reading regarding some of the science behind NAD, NAD precursors, and optimization leading to longevity: 

Lastly, as much as we know about NAD and its role in our health, there’s substantially more to be discovered, so I consider us very much in the early days of figuring out how to extend our lifespan. From the research and the experiential evidence I see every week with countless customers, NAD plays a vital role in extending our health span, life quality, and cellular vitality.

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  2. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  3. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD & Longevity
  4. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

brain health

The Brain’s Powerful Weapon Against Fatigue, Addiction and Disease

Did you know that the brain’s most powerful weapon against fatigue, neurodegenerative diseases, mental health, and addiction is a coenzyme that you were born with?

Noted brain health expert, Dr. James Goodwin, the author of Supercharge Your Brain, was recently suffering with debilitating fatigue. He took our NAD test and, surprise, his NAD levels came in severely deficient. 

He shares his story here:

“Over the last year, I started experiencing really debilitating fatigue in the afternoon. About six months ago, I did the NAD test and got shockingly low results coming in deficient. I’m perfectly healthy. I don’t have any diagnosed medical conditions. I exercise regularly, I eat well, and I’m not overweight. 

I was so appalled and determined to start taking the supplements regularly. 

Two weeks into taking the NAD supplement, the fatigue disappeared. I was absolutely astonished. I’m not going to stop taking the supplements to see if the fatigue comes back. I’d recommend the Vitality boost to anyone who needs extra energy.”

-Dr. James Goodwin, Director of Brain Health Network, London, UK.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is essential to almost every cellular process in the human body. But with all the focus we put on our brain health (and how often we’re using that organ) you may be fascinated to know exactly what NAD is doing for your thinker. 

1. Enhanced Mental Clarity and Performance 

NAD for brain plays a key role in the health of brain cells, boosting the production of PGC-1-alpha, a protein that protects brain cells against mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Additionally, it acts as a neurotransmitter. Your brain is 3% of your body weight, but it uses 20% of your calories. Therefore, when your body is deficient in NAD, your brain is especially so.

Anecdotally, we have seen many clients experience significant reductions in brain fog and fatigue when they boost their NAD levels with our state-of-the-art, high performing Vitality Boost

2. Addiction Treatment (Recreational drugs including marijuana, alcohol, opioids & other drugs)

In early studies and data tracking, Springfield Wellness Center (the first NAD+ clinic in America) found that NAD+ has a nearly 400% better success rate than normal rehab clinics because NAD+ infusions help the brain chemistry heal while reducing or eliminating cravings for addictive substances. 

NAD+ IV coupled with NAC and other vital nutrients and minerals helps rewire neural pathways, detox and optimize your mitochondrial energy, and eliminate chemical cravings.

Participants in the study who began with very high cravings for drugs or alcohol still had essentially no cravings two years after the treatments. See and the Cravings Study here. 

3. Depression, PTSD and Anxiety

When your brain experiences trauma, especially prolonged trauma such as PTSD or C-PTSD, it dramatically changes your brain structure. Since trauma is something that many of us have experienced and since we haven’t figured out how to time travel yet, how do we heal our brains and get back to good mental health? 

According to conventional medical understanding, depression has no cure. But in our opinion and armed with thousands of clinical studies, we believe that diseases and ailments conventional medicine have called lost causes actually have potential solutions. 

In our labs, we have seen many, many clients experience significant improvements in their mental health when their NAD levels are optimized. 

“For over 2 years, my mental health suffered. I battled high levels of anxiety, having panic attacks three times a week, I felt fatigued all the time and needed 400 mg of caffeine and 2 naps per day just to function. It felt like a single setback could slide me off the cliff.

Initially, I did a big round of NAD IV, which was $4000, but I was desperate. It gave me a lot of energy and mental lift, but it wasn’t sustainable. A few months later, I was feeling the same. And then I discovered Jinfiniti. My NAD levels were sorely deficient. 

Within several months of taking Vitality boost, my energy is much higher, my mental health and anxiety is so much better, and I’ve even lost some of the unwanted stubborn weight that wouldn’t go away. And my NAD levels are now optimal at 55.4 thanks to Vitality Boost.

My husband and I feel we have our lives back and I know Jinfinti’s been a huge part of that.”

-Sarah, one of our monthly subscribers of Vitality Boost.

4. Neurodegenerative Diseases Such as Alzheimers and Parkinson’s

Early research indicates that some of the most prominent neurodegenerative diseases can be effectively treated with NAD+. Brain chemistry and brain functioning—specifically metabolic deficiencies—are central problems with neurological diseases. 

Springfield Wellness center experts have treated many patients who have dementia or Parkinson’s, and when they receive NAD+ treatments, their symptoms often go into remission. Of course, the earlier the treatment begins, the better and quicker the results. 

**Unfortunately, there have not been enough clinical trials done to test NAD’s effects on neurodegenerative diseases to empirically state these. 

Yes, we are biased towards Jinfiniti’s Vitality Boost, but that’s primarily because we’re biased towards documentable, scientific results and our Vitality boost is the only NAD optimization supplement on the market. The others only increase NAD levels at best, we optimize NAD levels. 

Other supplements that should be on your short list for brain health:

  • Vitamin D: plays a vital role in maintaining healthy cognitive function and deficiencies may accelerate aging. 
  • Creatine: The most important function of Creatine is that it serves as a battery or reserve to store ATP, which most people do not discuss. Additionally, it increases muscle mass and improves brain function
  • 1000 MG of EPA Fatty Acids: Healthy brain fats, especially EPA fatty oils (ideally 1000 mg per day for mental health and longevity). Dr. Andrew Huberman, the noted Stanford neuroscientist speaks candidly about how 1000 mg of EPA fatty acids have the equivalent effect of an anti-depressant for over 70% of people!

To additionally heal your brain and increase your mental health, avoid or minimize these neurotoxins (Yes, this is a bold claim, but they create so much brain dysfunction that they can safely be labeled such):  

  1. Conventionally fried foods
  2. Sugar and alcohol
  3. Processed foods

If you needed a quick reminder to restock on your Vitality Boost, here it is! Don’t forget that our subscription option is always the best deal and will keep you from running out. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  2. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  3. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  4. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).

aging seniors

The Six Root Reasons of Aging

If you can slow your aging, can you delay disease? If you delay disease, can you can delay death?

“The loss of NAD as we age, and the resulting decline in sirtuin activity, is thought to be a primary reason our bodies develop diseases when we are old, but not when we are young.”

-Dr. David Sinclair, Harvard Medical School, Lifespan

It’s the supposed, inevitable decline that will swallow each and every one of us. Or will it?

Have you ever noticed that some people display vastly different health statuses, sometimes even in the same family? 

Prominent researchers in the last few decades have come to cautiously agree to a rough consensus of aging hallmarks. While it is very debatable how many hallmarks there are, I believe that these six are the primary hallmarks of aging as the others can be traced back to these six core hallmarks in one form or another. 

The six core reasons of aging are as follows: 

1. NAD and Other Micronutrient Deficiencies

Since NAD arguably acts as the most important enzyme in your body and is such a foundational building block of nearly every cellular process, it’s vital to keep your NAD levels optimal to slow the tides of aging.

Unfortunately,  the average adult is heading towards a significant NAD deficiency by their early 40s. But thankfully, with our patent-pending Vitality boost, the most effective NAD-optimizing supplement ever developed, you can boost your NAD levels to optimal as fast as a couple weeks (did you see Doc Jen’s results?). 

2. Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage

When human cells experience oxidative stress, it’s the equivalent of a Roman army putting down its shields and turning their backs on the attackers as they attack.  Since your cells always have attackers swimming around in the bloodstream, when they let their guard down due to fatigue (hint: NAD deficiency is the primary cause of this) the DNA goes under attack.

When your cells are too tired to fight the invaders, they lose their DNA and aging accelerates, plus, cells with broken DNA that continue to multiply can form tumors.

3. Glycation and Blood Sugar

When your levels of insulin resistance increase, it’s because your cells have experienced an overwhelming amount of glucose and fructose pulsating through your bloodstream. And when that happens, your cells begin to brown, like the sugar crumbles on top of creme brûlée.

This is a process called glycation.

In other words, you don’t want his happening to your cells. I don’t know about you, but burnt cells don’t sound very enticing to me. 

4. Chronic Inflammation

Foreign invaders (e.g., viruses and bacteria) damage cells directly, so our bodies have developed an inflammatory response, which recruits white blood cells to release toxins like oxygen radicals and cytokines (peptides with killing activity) to destroy the invaders.

Inflammatory responses are meant to be temporary, but unfortunately there are complications when you’re perpetually living in an inflamed state, like one the average American lives in.

Normal tissues can experience long term damage from an inflammatory response; your tissues can also be mistaken for a foreign invader (e.g. kidney disease), and a prolonged bad bacterial overgrowth in the gut can lead to breaks in the intestinal barrier (e.g. leaky gut). Inflammation is good in the short run, but awful for you in the long run.

5. Cellular Senescence

When your cells don’t function properly, some of them have the potential to turn into what we like to call zombie cells. Zombie cells are old cells that refuse to die; but not only that, they also travel in your blood and damage healthy cells, spreading toxicity and inflammatory proteins.

If your body is functioning properly, it’s designed to get rid of zombie cells. If not, your disease chances and illness symptoms will only increase as you age. 

6. Metabolic Dysfunction

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide or NAD is central to the regulation of cellular energy production, but inadequate NAD levels can impede energy-producing pathways and result in reduced cellular energy production, contributing to conditions like metabolic syndrome.

And what is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions stemming from metabolic dysfunction and leading to heart disease. 

NAD deficiency can also disrupt the balance between anabolic and catabolic processes in the body, which leads to disturbances in body weight, insulin sensitivity and overall metabolic health. 

Lastly, NAD+ is intricately involved in maintaining mitochondrial function and cellular repair mechanisms.

Reduced NAD levels can impair mitochondrial respiration and increase oxidative stress, and oxidative damage and DNA mutations can further exacerbate metabolic dysfunction and increase the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity. 

If you, like us, are astounded at how interconnected all six of these causes of aging are, we strongly advocate for testing not just your NAD, but up to 23 biomarkers with our advanced panel, one of the most advanced biomarker tests available in the world. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
  2. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  3. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  4. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future

P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).

fatigue from long covid

Six Warning Signs of Low NAD Levels: Do You Have Any of These?

There are six warning signs of low NAD levels that can help you know when you need to optimize.

These signs are often the prerequisite to more serious diseases, but fortunately, there are simple ways to treat them all.

Do you have any of these? 

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

1. Fatigue

Every day we hear from our customers about this common health complaint. Just this week, one of our customers in Europe told us that when he began taking our Vitality Boost, he didn’t notice much at first.

He’d been battling extremely difficult fatigue for a while. And although nothing changed at first, after just two weeks without changing anything else about his lifestyle or health habits, the fatigue went away. It simply evaporated. 

Here at Jinfiniti, we would think this an aberration if it wasn’t something we hear all the time

In one of our recent case studies, Dr. Dominic Fraboni, whom I spoke with on the podcast, The Optimal Body, was already very healthy and fit, but after adjusting to life with a newborn, lack of sleep and plummets in his energy and stamina, he was more than ready for a drastic change. 

After taking Vitality Boost for just seventeen days, Dr. Fraboni tripled his NAD levels and noticed a massive difference in his energy levels and stamina. 

2. Muscle Soreness 

If you’ve struggled with low cellular-level energy for a long time, you’ve probably struggled with fatigue.

The good news is that you can gain back the muscle recovery that you had in your twenties. 

NAD is a linchpin in the metabolic machinery, steering the complex dance of energy production and cellular repair. It acts like the conductor of a symphony, directing processes that are crucial for our body’s performance.

Emerging research reveals that NAD plays a large role in mitigating muscle soreness and aiding the body to recuperate after strenuous physical activity.

When our levels of NAD decline (due to age, excessive stress, or unhealthy habits) the harmonious balance within the cellular symphony is disrupted, leading to a delayed recovery process and, of course, really sore muscles. 

Faster recovery times are another thing Dr. Fraboni (among thousands of our other customers) noticed after taking Vitality Boost

3. Low Stamina

When our NAD levels wane, the energy stores within our cells face a shortage, and that leaves us lacking the endurance we probably took for granted during our youth when our NAD levels were likely higher. 

NAD is essential for converting the food we consume into the energy our cells need to perform everything from the beating of our hearts to the movement of our muscles. Low NAD levels disrupt this energy equilibrium, leaving us feeling drained and sapping our stamina. 

Low NAD levels are like running on an almost empty gas tank with the engine sputtering and struggling to keep up with the demands of a fast-paced world. 

This is one reason NAD just might hold the key to unlocking a future where stamina never declines even though our age increases. 

4. Unwanted Weight Gain 

When we have fat in places that we just can’t shake, it’s because our metabolisms are suffering. But it turns out that maintaining optimal intracellular NAD levels might be the key to tipping the scales in our favor. 

NAD acts as a coenzyme in pivotal processes like glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation—which are fancy descriptions for processes that essentially convert nutrients into usable energy.

Intracellular NAD levels are the thing that influences how efficiently this energy is produced and utilized. When our NAD levels fall, metabolic pathways become less efficient, which can lead to a decreased ability to burn calories, and thus, an excess storage of fat. 

Although we don’t guarantee weight loss, many of our customers have experienced weight loss as a welcome side effect of optimizing their metabolic health with Accuri® Vitality Boost

5. Brain Fog/ Long Covid 

NAD operates as a neurotransmitter in the brain. This may be why recent studies suggest that NAD depletion could be a key contributor to brain fog—a symptom that has lately been attributed to several health concerns, including the debilitating illness of long Covid.

Mitochondrial decline within brain cells leads to lower communication between neurons as well as lower energy production.

This simply means that if your NAD levels are low, you could experience symptoms under the label of “Brain Fog”—which includes but isn’t limited to memory recall, attention span, and mental fatigue.

Optimizing our NAD levels is a promising strategy for not only combating brain fog but also for promoting long-term brain health and vitality even as we age. 

6. Poor Sleep Quality 

In addition to energy metabolism, NAD plays a multifaceted role in the regulation of our sleep-wake cycles. It’s a critical cofactor in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the molecule that fuels our cells, as well as sirtuins, including those related to sleep regulation.

Optimal NAD levels ensure that we enjoy well-functioning circadian rhythms, which recycle into a restored physical system. 

On the flip side, however, chronic sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality is a cyclical issue that leads to further depletion of NAD reserves. With declining NAD levels, energy production within cells further falters, affecting stamina and hindering the body’s ability to rejuvenate and repair. 

But the good news is that we’ve discovered that by optimizing our NAD levels, we’re able to bolster sleep quality and interrupt the cycle of depletion.

As a matter of fact, improved sleep is one of the first changes our customers notice once they begin taking our Vitality Boost

We all know the effect a poor night’s sleep versus a good night’s sleep can have on our brains, bodies, and daily activities. It could be argued that sleep is the most important ingredient our bodies need to repair. 

Are you experiencing any of the signs on this list? 

So have most of us. 

As unpleasant as they might be, these signs serve as reminders when our NAD levels are suffering, and consequently, our entire health system. 

Thankfully, we know from thousands of tests (from everyday people as well as leading scientists, biohackers, MDs, and health professionals) that our formula will optimize, not just improve, intracellular NAD for 90% of people alone, which no other NAD supplement can come close to promising.

No other supplement brand on the market offers the ability to take their supplement and test to see if it’s working. 

And that’s because no other brand on the market compares to the efficacy and transparency of Jinfiniti

In fact, we believe in our Vitality Boost so much that we back it with a 60-day Money Back and Efficacy Guarantee.

Try it for yourself to experience how good you can feel. 

Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

  1. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
  2. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
  3. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
  4. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

lab technician, NAD

Three Reasons Most NAD+ Supplements Don’t Work

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide. It’s a special molecule you probably know as NAD and it’s all the rage right now, mostly because this coenzyme is crucial to nearly every cellular process in the human body.

It’s linked to longevity and vital health span, to wiping out chronic fatigue and eliminating your risk for disease. Unfortunately, most NAD supplements don’t work very well, and for three main reasons.

Aside from the incredible benefits and wild claims that many NAD supplement companies make, most of them are unable to deliver on their promises. 

Here are three reasons why most NAD plus supplements don’t work.

Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.

#1 Many NAD supplements are made of the wrong molecule. 

    Some companies make and sell NAD supplements as a whole molecule, which doesn’t pass the gut barrier because it’s simply too big. Jinfiniti’s Accuri® Vitality Boost is made of a patent-pending formula that incorporates the smallest molecule of NAD+ precursor, Creatine Monohydrate, D-Ribose and Niacinamide where creates maximum absorbency.. 

    #2 Most NAD supplements are lacking in quality and efficacy.

      Unfortunately, most NAD supplement companies source less fresh or lower-quality ingredients, and because they can’t confirm their supplement’s efficacy with in-house testing (like Jinfiniti can) they aren’t able to track actual results. 

      Here at Jinfiniti Precision Medicine, we are more rigorous than most because our founders have a combined 60+ years of research and development in this field.

      (Fun fact: our founder, Dr. She, discovered the Type I Diabetes gene.)

      We only source the purest, freshest ingredients and we don’t stop there. We then lab test our products to ensure the highest efficacy possible. 

      And by the way, we are the only company that has in-house NAD lab results because we are the creators of the only intracellular NAD test in the world. 

      #3 Most NAD supplements are suggesting the wrong dosage. 

        The reason most companies underdose their NAD supplementation is that they cannot measure and track NAD levels in your blood as we can.

        In the Jinfiniti labs, we see results from other providers all the time. We have tested some of the biggest brands in the world (the ones that spend millions in advertising) and after testing, we’ve observed that our clients only receive incremental improvement from other NAD supplements.

        At best, they’ll experience a 20-40% improvement. 

        This compares to what you might have seen with Doc Jen, who tripled her NAD levels in four weeks, from an NAD level of 18.3 to 60.4 (over 300%). Her husband, Dr. Dominic Fraboni, who took the Vitality Boost with her, also experienced a 300% increase.  

        But don’t just take my word for it. Listen to them tell their incredible story here

        There’s no question that NAD is essential to longevity and optimization.

        It’s arguably the most critical player in cellular energy production; and it serves as a coenzyme for various enzymes involved in DNA repair, cell signaling, and the regulation of circadian rhythms.

        Optimal levels of NAD are necessary to optimize your health or slow aging.

        But with so many options on the market, which route is the best? 

        Here’s our suggestion, based on thousands of consumer tests and lab results: Test your levels.

        Here at Jinfiniti, we empower you with the world’s only intracellular NAD test, available here

        And thankfully, no matter how low your levels are, we can help you optimize them. 

        Our Vitality Boost (the same NAD supplement that Doc Jen and Dr. Fraboni took) is the NAD supplement with the highest efficacy in the world.

        We know from thousands of tests from everyday people (as well as leading scientists, biohackers, MDs and health professionals) that our formula will optimize, not just improve, intracellular NAD for 90% of people alone, which no other NAD supplement can come close to promising. 

        And because we stand behind our NAD-optimizing Vitality Boost, we encourage you to retest and see the results for yourself. 

        No other supplement brand on the market offers the ability to take their supplement and test it to see if it’s working. 

        That’s because no other supplement on the market compares to the efficacy and transparency of Jinfiniti’s Vitality Boost

        Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

        1. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
        2. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
        3. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity
        4. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 

        Boost your NAD levels to optimize your health and longevity. Get an exclusive 20% OFF today by using code Blog20Click here to order.


        How to Know Which Supplements to Take 

        Here’s an interesting experiment to find out which supplements are worth taking. 

        Let’s say you walk into your local health food store and head to the supplement section, looking for some Vitamin C.

        First, you ask yourself how many milligrams of Vitamin C is right for your body.

        Once you’ve decided that, you study the ten different brands on the shelf and do your best to figure out which brand is the best, which brand makes their supplements with the best ingredients, and which brand has the highest efficacy. 

        Is the $10 Vitamin C really as good as the $30 Vitamin C? 

        Here’s a predictive conclusion of that experiment: Supplement shopping is confusing. 

        That’s because even though we have a saturated market with countless supplement options, there aren’t very good standards for those supplements and, furthermore, most supplement brands don’t offer any testing to back up the claims they make. 

        More often than not, because of the limited transparency and regulation in the supplement industry, the supplements we take are both poorly and cheaply made. And much of the time, we take too much or not enough for what our bodies require. 

        So here are a few questions you should ask yourself when shopping for supplements and how to answer them: 

        1. Which supplement do I really need the most? And how much of it do I need? 

        The best way to figure out which supplement your body needs is to have a thorough understanding of how well your body is working, and which systems are not working as well as they should be. It’s really hard to take the right supplement when you can’t see what is right for your body.

        And how do you figure out what’s right for your body?

        You test, test, test. 

        Once you’ve figured out what needs help, you can decide on the right supplement and the right dosage to support you. 

        There are many biomarker tests on the market, but none as complete or accurate as Jinfiniti’s.

        In fact, fifty percent of the biomarkers we test for aren’t testable anywhere else in the world.

        A thorough, comprehensive biomarker panel (we have two, priced for your respective needs) can reveal to you where your body is doing well and what needs help. 

        1. Which supplement brand is the best for the money you want to pay? 

        Whatever you do, don’t go to Amazon and buy the cheapest supplement you can find. Really cheap supplements are often better not taken at all because of how poorly they are made.

        Before purchasing any supplement, we recommend researching the reputation of the company.

        After all, this is your health you’re trying to optimize. If the brand isn’t a good one, you could be wasting your time and your money. 

        A highly-respected supplement brand will have good reviews and powerful testimonials. They’ll also back up their claims with evidence and offer helpful customer support if you need it. 

        1. After I’ve taken the supplement, how can I know if it’s really working for me? 

        There are two ways to know if your supplement is working for you.

        The first way is pretty simple: Results. You should start feeling better. You should start noticing things working that weren’t working so well before. Your painful symptoms should begin to alleviate. 

        The next way to really know whether your supplement is working or not is to test again.

        Here at Jinfiniti, we highly recommend re-testing (especially NAD levels) to see if your body has begun to optimize on a cellular level. There’s truly no better way to know if the Jinfiniti supplement (or any other NAD precursor supplement) is working as well for you as you believe it to be. 

        From the thousands of tests that have come through Jinfiniti labs, we know that our formula will optimize—not just improve—intracellular NAD for 90% of people; something that no other NAD supplement can come close to promising. 

        And because we stand behind our NAD-optimizing Accuri® Vitality Boost, we encourage you to re-test and see the results for yourself! 

        We have thousands of verified, tested results of NAD optimization that we receive each day from everyday people as well as leading scientists, biohackers, MDs, and health professionals.

        No other supplement brand on the market offers the ability to take their supplement and test to see if it’s working. 

        And that’s because no other brand on the market compares to the efficacy and transparency of Jinfiniti

        We even back it with a 30-day Money Back and Efficacy Guarantee.

        No matter where you’re at in your supplement journey, we’re here for you—to answer questions, help you take the reins on testing and supplementation, and support you in living your best, healthiest, most optimized life.

        If you need to re-stock or purchase our evidence-backed NAD optimization supplement, Accuri® Vitality Boost (backed by our 30-day Money Back Guarantee) you can do so here.

        Lastly, if you’re interested in going deeper on health-related content, here are a few of our recent posts that you may want to read:

        1. What Does Peak Performance Look Like? 
        2. 9 Powerful Benefits of Optimizing Your NAD
        3. Why Optimized, Precision Medicine is the Future
        4. Andrew Huberman is Wrong About NAD, NAD+ precursor & Longevity

        P.S. Want to boost your intracellular NAD levels? Try a 2 week trial of our Jinfiniti Vitality Boost (do 2 scoops per day), use the discount code Blog15 if you’re a new customer for 15% off your 1st order).